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I AM Aranka, founder of Stellar HUG and host of the Be U Podcast #empower #guide #love …sharing here what’s on my mind… Telegram: https://t.co/3rsKFRiphP

Aug 9, 2022, 31 tweets

The #lionsgateportal is not today… calculate in the 24 degree axial change to Earth since the time of Babylon and you see the alignment happening on the 23rd of August, precisely at 2.30am EST If this event is something that you pay attention to or generally #astrology. 1/2

The best way to find deeper explanations is to look into what is the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. Sidereal calculates in the axial changes and it’s also aligns with Vedic astrology.

🧵 as some of you are so interesting (upset) with your DMs regarding my above post on #tropical vs #sidereal #astrology. Let me share my thoughts so you can better understand where I stand regarding and why. I hope it helps… so here we go…

- statement: I’m no astrologer but someone who learns about different topics and usually have a good neck for connecting seemingly very separate topics.

So what is the main difference between the 2? The earth as you may know has a “wobble”; this is also called the precession of the equinoxes. Over the course of thousands of years the sky shifts, and the constellation the sun was once in is no longer the same on a given day.

#TropicalAstrology aka western Astrology that we mostly hear about haven’t applied the changes that had happened in the past thousands of years, but reading the charts as we would read it in the time of Babylon. This version is misaligned with #astronomy. (But not wrong!🤯)

#SiderealAstrology calculates Earth’s axis changes in which is currently 24 degree off of since the time of Babylon (that is the difference between Tropical and Sidereal Astrology in simple terms)->because the axis changes 1 degree every 72 years.This is part of a 26k years cycle

So one would think that #SiderealAstrology must be the most accurate version because it follows science more closely. However when it comes to personality readings most often #TropicalAstrology gives the more accurate description… but HOW is this possible? It can be confusing…

IF we accept that we are in a #simulation than it makes a lot of sense…in a simulation (closed system) the body (our avatar) is made and set by rules of that simulation and that way it would only make sense why a set astrology as tropical describes the avatars the best…

…however the portals that are bridging to the outer world aren’t runned and limited by this closed system… so I guess depending on if we are looking at personalities or events like retrogates or portals we have to consider both. So it just makes things even more complex…🥴🙈

But…don’t take my word for it… listen here as @GreggBraden explains to you in simple terms a very important #ScientificStudy by Nick Bostrom of Oxford University. part 1

So what is this study really about and what does #posthuman mean? Part2 of Gregg Braden’s video

part 3 of Gregg Braden’s video explaining the 2nd version of posthuman society

Part4 of Gregg Braden’s video when the 3rd option of posthuman civilization is explained

Part5 of Gregg Braden’s video explaining the algorithm and the way the study’s calculation works

Part6 of Greeg Braden’s video where he explains option 3’s why on computing power

Conclusion of the study: (part7 of Gregg Braden’s video)

The conclusion’s logic brings the question why would we want to live in a simulation? What could we learn in a simulation of ourselves? Part8 of Gregg Braden’s video (side note his next episode airs today at 4pm EST)

Now that we have looked at the very strong possibility why we are in a simulation let’s circle it back to my main topic of Astrology. I feel that our avatars in a fixed simulated reality which has set rules and can’t grow in size but in complexity tropical astrology make sense.

However for events outside of this simulated reality it does not… and for these events we need a more astronomically, scientifically aligned reading technique wich sidereal astrology or the even the more complex vedic astrology do.

I also have a theory (which partially goes against Gregg’s posthuman) is that what IF Atlantis is our whole civilization the “previous” Earth?And because the tragedy we had done to Earth the meaning of being sinked means that the beings living were put into an avatar state?

…an avatar state to redo our technological evolution and see what we do with it without real consequences to the world out there (nuclear etc) and once we overcome our brutal nature we are let out of this system?

But what IF this system is runned by an AI (Ancient Intelligence) which keeps everyone a “prisoner” (matrix) not just the ones without change?What IF this system was meant to play out in infinite ways (alternate realities) to see who needs to grow as a being but instead all stuck

But why would that happen? Malfunction? Or perhaps a system takeover by another group of beings who find this the perfect opportunity for their purposes? Imagine stumbling upon an infinite energy source when you are in need of it wouldn’t you want to run it ♾? Terns->John Carter

What IF there is a safety ride over built in-> which wakes everyone out of this state once all had reached the level of consciousness and peaceful state? Would you then think the saying “Where We Go One We Go All” is accurate? Would you call that a true #unityconsciousness?love?

…and then of course we can theorize about if our true selves are still 3 dimensional or 5th dimensional (not enprisoned by time?) We now understand that our whole universe is #fractal…as we are creating the #metaverse through #AI it’s just a more complex version in 2D of our 3D

but as everything is fractal imagine it in mirror the other way around? When each higher dimension capable of creating a more complex version of itself in a lower dimension? How would a metaverse look like in 5D? in 11thD? Or higher? Where would that take us?

IF I accept the scientific stance that the simulation is set in size and only capable of becoming more complex but not bigger than in reverse I would say the highest possible dimension would be a single point of origin with the same amount of energy as in any dimensions below….

What would you call that single point of very powerful origin? Source? God? When we open our minds to possibilities without judgement we can come to mindblowing realizations regarding ourselves and everything around us. 😉 end of 🧵

This is the link to @GreggBraden’s upcoming episode that goes live at 4pm EST today

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