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Mar 12th 2023
7 Years Ago I Stopped Following Zach & Left The #GEMATRIA Community.


It's Sad So Many People Still Getting #Brainwashed By Zach & His #GematriaCalculator

Maybe It's Time I Say Something.

Dear, #GematriaCommunity, #GematriaDecoders, #GematriaSports Decoders etc..

This Message Is For You.

Following People Like Zach - Will Cause You To Never Be Able To Discover & Find (REAL KNOWLEDGE) About The TRUTH To This World..

It's Time To Wake Up.

P.S. Im not saying #Gematria BS

- What Im Saying Is 99% Of People Who Use IT - Still Have No Clue About What It Is They Are Actually Doing.

#Gematria Is A Tool That Can Help You Discover & See The Programming Of This #Matrix..

#Numbers Will Always Line Up INSIDE A #SIMULATION
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Mar 11th 2023
Every organization will encounter a crisis.

Here’s how we used the concept of pre-mortem to improve.

This week we @Sim_UnityHealth conducted a multi-disciplinary #simulation of a complete loss of IT infrastructure.

Goal: crash test our processes & ensure ongoing care


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Frequently organizations develop policies for crises but we know that work as imagined is never the same as work as done. @StevenShorrock

Orgs guess how ppl respond.

They hope ppl will remember the procedures.

They 🤞 that the system under stress will work.

But there’s a better way to know with greater certainty how the system and people will respond. And what strengths and deficiencies exist.

We use #simulation to support a pre-mortem.

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Mar 2nd 2023
🇫🇷 "Quand un #Rafale décolle avec un Meteor, nous sommes pris au sérieux."

Retour sur l'audition à huis clos (25/01/23) du @CEM_AAE et du GCA Bellanger, CDT des forces aériennes stratégiques (FAS), sur la dissuasion #nucléaire.

🇫🇷 "Les facteurs de réussite de la dissuasion, qui sont de trois ordres :
- d’ordre psychologique : il s’agit de convaincre du sérieux et de la crédibilité de la menace et de persuader que nous sommes prêts à la mettre à exécution si les circonstances l’exigent." @CEM_AAE
🇫🇷 "- d’ordre technique et opérationnel : que se passerait-il pour l’adversaire en cas de mise à exécution de cette menace ?

- d’ordre politique : quels gains et quelles pertes peuvent être envisagés en cas d’action ou de non-action ?" @CEM_AAE
Read 56 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
#BoJo branded '#provenliar' as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street parties -2 hrs ago
- #ScotlandYard statement confirming twenty fixed penalty notices will be issued for breaches of Covid-19 rules following lockdown-busting parties in #SesameStreet
#SesameStreet's Awards, The Worst Actor Winner.
The #UK health secretary, #Hancock #CrocodileTears | Dec 09, 2020
- “It’s been such a tough year for so many people and there’s William #Shakespeare putting it simply for everybody...
Read 25 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
How to be an excellent clinical teacher in medicine. Tweetorial.

Just my thoughts during a 15 year career as a teacher, with some dabbling in #MedEd research.

Some GI themes but applicable to all I hope.

#GITwitter #MedTwitter
This is practical & based on lived experiences as a learner - training & as a lifelong learner; experiences as a teacher; feedback I've received & how I changed; some literature; & how I've tested some stuff experimentally mainly in #endoscopy

(caveat - not saying I'm excellent)
1. Safe learning environments

Man this is critical.

I'll use my consult rounds as an example. Everyone seated. I make sure schedule is cleared - nothing lingering. I don't lead - the senior-most house staff leads the rounds.

The environment should be fun and positive.
Read 21 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
The power of #simulation-informed #design

We tested, refined & improved the process for walk-in stroke patients using an 8 min scenario and 25min debriefing with a multidisciplinary team led by stroke NP Lee Barratt

A boardroom meeting never would've accomplished the same.

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We began with a pre-brief to discuss potential challenges and opportunities for improvement.

RNs, MDs, clinical assistants from ED and neurology all provided input.

Then, rather than guess whether these ideas worked, we went right to the clinical environment to test them.

A simulated scenario was run within the actual emergency dept to understand how these patients would be quickly identified, a Code Stroke would be activated and key processes initiated.

Participants & observers provided feedback and perspectives during the debriefing.

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Dec 14th 2022
🧵#Bioinformatics in #drug #discovery and development, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Bioinformatics is playing an increasingly important role in the discovery and development of new #drugs. In this thread, we'll explore how #bioinformatics is being used to identify new targets for drug intervention and optimize drug design.
One key aspect of #bioinformatics in drug discovery is the identification of potential #drug #targets.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
Debunk the theory that we are living in a #simulation

A thread by AI:
The theory that we are living in a simulation, sometimes referred to as the "simulation hypothesis," is the idea that our reality is actually a computer-generated simulation.
This theory is often discussed in the context of philosophy and science fiction, but it has also been considered by some scientists and philosophers.
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Nov 15th 2022
How did @ucalgarynursing students and #ucalgarynursingsim facilitators perceive our distraction and interruption #simulation?

A #tweetorial about our #SoTL research, funded by @UCalgary_TI and published in @NursEducToday…

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Distractions and interruptions are leading causes of medication errors.

This is a big safety concern!

‼️Strategies for managing distractions and interruptions in clinical practice are not commonly taught in nursing education ‼️
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Oct 3rd 2022
Every day clinicians struggle with equipment, space and layout that encumbers, rather than helps them do their job.

A 🧵on how we applied human factors principles, usability testing & #simulation informed design to our new pediatric resus tower

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Our previous cart was a Broselow (color) based design. Lots of good human factors principles here but it's clear that even good HF intentions can be overcome when cluttered. Also the equip wasn't optimal.

Following design thinking principles, we began defining the problem
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We did substantial listening to our staff and seeking out expert feedback from pediatric MD & RN colleagues who work at peds centres.

We reviewed clinical cases.

We ran peds simulations with our existing equipment & identified several issues.

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Sep 22nd 2022
⚡Aeroelastic Flutter⚡

The Tacoma Narrows bridge disaster of 1940 attribute the collapse of the bridge due to aeroelastic flutter.

1️⃣ Flutter is a dangerous phenomenon encountered in flexible structures subjected to aerodynamic forces. Flutter occurs as a result of interactions between aerodynamics, stiffness, and inertial forces on a structure.
2️⃣ In an aircraft, as the speed of the wind increases, there may be a point at which the structural damping is insufficient to damp out the motions which are increasing due to aerodynamic energy being added to the structure.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
NVIDIA GTC starts today! There are tons of exciting topics and webinars covered. This year again the whole conference is online and free, so go and register if you have not done so already.

Here are a few special highlight sessions:

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GTC 2022 Keynote - September:

How CUDA Programming Works:

Building the Future of Work with AI-powered Digital Humans:

Building Future-Ready Intelligence for Cars:

A Deep Dive into RAPIDS for Accelerated Data Science and Data Engineering:

A Deep Dive into the Latest HPC Software:

Cross-Framework Model Evaluation and Accelerated Training with NVIDIA Merlin:

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Aug 9th 2022
The #lionsgateportal is not today… calculate in the 24 degree axial change to Earth since the time of Babylon and you see the alignment happening on the 23rd of August, precisely at 2.30am EST If this event is something that you pay attention to or generally #astrology. 1/2
The best way to find deeper explanations is to look into what is the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. Sidereal calculates in the axial changes and it’s also aligns with Vedic astrology.
🧵 as some of you are so interesting (upset) with your DMs regarding my above post on #tropical vs #sidereal #astrology. Let me share my thoughts so you can better understand where I stand regarding and why. I hope it helps… so here we go…
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Jul 21st 2022
YOU as an #individual are a YOUniverse unto yourself. U can choose to #resonate with higher frequencies to differentiate you from the collective or u can fall within the basic bandwidth #frequency OF the #collective. Whatever you've CHOSEN and ACCEPTED as your #paradigm is what
kinds of data the #simulation will bombard you with, ie. racism, politiks, NWO camps, peaceful communities, living in & exploring "space"...
Your nervous system will be saturated with that which affirms & confines u to your own prison.
If you're a #freespirit, u entertain an exponential number of ideas outside the collective's prison paradigms, thru #intuition, #empathy and #imagination. We CREATE our reality based on our immortal soul and the wishes for which the eternal consciousness wants to experience.💖
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Jul 4th 2022
How do you train beginners at #endoscopy?

This week we are running the endoscopy #simulation course @UofTGastroHep @SMH_GI.

Our training to novices before they start endoscopic rotations is based on three educational principles.

#MedEd #GITwitter
1. Modifying cognitive load
We use low fidelity simulators for basic skills (dial/button control, torque, stance, etc.) in a low risk envt. This allows the trainee to focus on basics without being overloaded by complex tasks - no patient, vital signs, assistants, sedation, etc.
2. Optimizing challenge points
We favor matching complexity of task being taught to the skill of learner. If task is too simple - there is nothing to learn. If the task is too complex, the trainee will struggle to learn anything.
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Apr 30th 2022
“Lies, propaganda and fake news: A challenge for our age”

“There is a large proportion of the population in the US living in what we would regard as an alternative reality,”…
“For the rumours we looked at, the number of followers of people who tweeted the rumour was much larger than the number of followers of those who corrected it,” he says."
“The audiences were also largely disjointed. Even when a correction reached a lot of people and a rumour reached a lot of people, they were usually not the same people. The problem is, corrections do not spread very well.”
Read 68 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
Happy Birthday 🎂
You're turning 1 🕯️ in a few days' time.

I'm still shocked how almost 20,000 people visit every month just from organic traffic.

A number of posts have done extremely well.

Here are the top five:

#python #coding #100daysofcode

In #5th place:

The White Room analogy that explains a lot of what's happening in #programming using a mental image that everyone can relate to.…

#python #100daysofcode

In #4th place:

This fun project designed to practise using lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in a fun turtle-based animation.…

#python #turtle #datastructures

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Feb 8th 2022
I get this question a lot. I’m not sure what’s the best way or most accurate way of doing this but I can tell you how I do it. This is a mini #tutorial - #houdini #fluid #simulation #vfx @sidefx 🧵
I make 90% of these in a SOP solver and don’t use the bigger solvers like flip or pyro. Basically I started this one by making a simple motion. Don’t remember what exactly but say making particles move towards the center.
Then I convert that v to vdb field, I usually use the attrib rasterize for that. then I use the vdb non-divergent to make that field non divergent.And then transfer than v field to points. I use wrangle I think you can use the vdb node,I think vdb advect points if you want.
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Oct 30th 2021
A thread on imagining impacts of the #Metaverse on “my” world. How will the job of a #geopolitics analyst be different? How will this new platform change international relations in general and the #Gulf in particular? Feel free to add your take, it’s simply thinking out loud.
First, meetings & events. #Zoom events are here to stay, alongside in-person ones. But a digital event on #Metaverse could be so much better and closer to a real-life experience, enhanced by instant access to resources 2/
Then, outputs. Will it make sense to write papers when you can produce an interactive output combining texts, recordings, images/videos in the form of a meta-research on #geopolitics on #Metaverse? 3/
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Sep 24th 2021
McChrystal’s new book coming out —

Title: “Risk: A Users Guide”

Takeaway: we’re not doing a good job of protecting ourselves due to the fact WE didn’t unite as a country, he said. Rather, we fought dozens of ‘small wars’ as states.

The USA has separation of powers, sir.
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To imply the only way we unite is by taking directive / mandates from an authoritarian & Unitarian type government is incredibly flawed.

‘If only every person and state confirmed’ — thats the translation. Checks & balances, Democracy, Bill of Rights would cease to exist.
“We always knew another virus was going to come & threaten a pandemic,” he said. “We not only knew it was inevitable, but we know how to deal w a threat like that through public health. & we blew it; we absolutely have flubbed the response.”

We knew this? Who? You & B Gates?
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Aug 26th 2021
Many students doing basic mathematics cannot distinguish between #iteration, #simulation, and #emulation as different methods of experiment design.
Even further surprised why so many students don't know the similarity and the difference between computation and calculation.
These are some of the basic mistakes which one, embedded into the mind, will work their way right into a workplace and destroy our educational foundations
For, e.g. when I was teaching Introduction to FRM Financial Risk Management, I noticed many students thought they are three different types of VaR - Value at Risk.
What they didn't realize is that VaR can be computed using different models aka methodologies, namely, HS, VCV, MCS.
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Jul 20th 2021
1of4: Water simulations running on my large flip-digit kinetic display. #kineticdisplay
2of4: Water pouring down on custom-built kinetic digit display. #digitalArt #simulation
3of4: Water and the Void. Low-resolution water sim playing on magnetic digit display. #art #digitalSculptor
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Jun 15th 2021
Graduated from the *ahem* 28th grade today!

1) Loved seeing our wonderful division chief @ERAlpernMD win the professionalism award we nominated her for 🥰 she’s the epitome of grace under pressure.
2) Fellowship is a very different experience than residency and it’s been evident how invested @LuriePEM is in us!
Hearing @kmangold_NU tear up talking about us (her first class taken all the way through fellowship) was really sweet and special.
3) Having cofellows who have your back is clutch! Wouldn’t have made it through without @AmyZhouMD and Selina Varma Thomas to both complain and celebrate with.
Sometimes you get lucky enough to make friends in other divisions. @DrRissman I cannot wait to see what you do in LA!
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May 21st 2021
1/7 Eye contact is one of the most underrated #communication tools in general conversations, but it’s importance is amplified by several magnitudes when trying to facilitate group #conversations during #debriefing.
2/7 Making and holding eye contact is a great way to invite #engagement in the conversation. Giving them the opportunity to opt in or out without placing them psychologically unsafe position created by verbally trying to engage them.
3/7 They may initially signal that they are not ready by closing their #bodylanguage Move on and engage others in group. Periodically check back (with eye contact). When they are ready they will signal that through opening their body language ready for you to invite their input
Read 8 tweets

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