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Host of The AlphaWarrior Show God Wins #SpacesHost Protect Your Investments with Goldco at

Aug 12, 2022, 13 tweets

Under no circumstance take to the streets with violence or weapons if #Trump is arrested, indicted etc. Trump is very well taken care of. The tyrannical @FBI & #AGMerrickGarland are again lying about a narrative about Patriots, #MAGA & want you to act out! DONT⤵️

⬆️ Give they what they need. Instead, share out the information in masses. If they don’t get the kinetic response they are hoping for, then they look stupid “AGAIN” and it will wake up more people. The goal right now is the court of public opinion and we are winning that war ⤵️

⬆️Wether you believe in Conspiracies, Q, etc the one FACT is undeniable is “WE THE PEOPLE” have to defend & fix this country. Wether the “White Hats” Trump or any good guy comes to help is extra. The future your children grow up in is your responsibility. Win Local Offices⤵️

⬆️ #AGMerrickGarland has defiled the US Constitution by stating questioning & criticizing his tyrannical overreach is a threat or domestic terrorism. This is how dictators rule, suppress the speech and then arrest, punish or kill their political opponents. Save this tweet ⤵️

⬆️ because what’s coming next is AGGarlands cataloguing of Conservatives followed by the arrest of those people to include myself. They don’t want us exposing their #NWO plans. They don’t want you knowing @BarackObama @AmbRice46 are in and running the White House. That’s why⤵️

⬆️they are not revealing the WH visitors logs. That’s why @POTUS is always on a movie set. They will have an indictment against Trump, they will arrest ALL who use speech to tell the truth against their propaganda, remember their 1984 #ministryoftruth We the people speaking is⤵️

⬆️what halted that. Do not let them use fear to silence you. We win with peace and proving the Constitution of the #USA works when we the people demand it. The Authority of the Government depends on the Consent of the People. They #Hate that. They are not your masters, they are⤵️

⬆️not your leaders. They are your Representatives. They answer to you and not the other way around. Defend that belief no matter what. Do not take a knee to communism or #America will die. Stand up for our country & let’s be the beacon of light the rest of the world is praying⤵️

⬆️for us to be. To the #fbi Brown Shirt reading this. Why should you listen to me, let me briefly layout my qualifications. I am @USMC Combat Veteran, I wore the Badge for almost a decade n 1/2, I survived 3 shootings in the line of duty, I watched my beat partner burn alive⤵️

⬆️I have been awarded the Medal of Valor, Your FBI #jamescomey gave me an award, Congress has given me an award, I worked Gangs, undercover, I ran large operations, I saved 2 yrs old life with #cpr I saved 2 @CHPAlerts Ofcs from a burning Unit and I didn’t back down from a ⤵️

⬆️corrupt police chief #traviswalker when he wanted me to write illegal search warrants. This fight cost me my job when admin created lies to come after me. All I lost was a paycheck, not my integrity or what makes me a cop. Now it’s your turn, do you stand for your oath or ⤵️

⬆️do you do you sell out for a paycheck. We The People are asking for your help. Honor the Constitution and the people it protects. My final thought, Do Not Be Afraid, God wins, but do your part. Get off the couch, educate, run for office and #civildisobedience Just say No. Alpha

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