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«Україна починається з тебе»🇺🇦

Aug 30, 2022, 9 tweets

The world has already begun to forget about Bucha and other atrocities of Russians

1. In a video taken from a drone as early as March 3, Russian soldiers can be seen firing several times at a civilian in Bucha, who is walking along Vokzalnaya Street and turning onto Yablonskaya

On the entire central street of Bucha at that moment there was military equipment of the Russian army.

In addition, satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies (2 videos) proves that some bodies of murdered civilians have been lying on the streets of Bucha since at least March 11, when the Russian military was still in control of the city.

This refutes the statements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Putin's propagandists that allegedly, while the Russian troops were in Bucha, not a single civilian suffered from violent actions.

In addition to these proofs, there are many others. So eloquent and convincing that either extremely narrow-minded people or outright scum can deny the facts of the genocide. And the testimonies of thousands of people who saw it all themselves. Or their relatives.

I'm so tired of stupid idiots. Who write that NATO is to blame for this. Or they blame Ukraine itself at all. Insignificant idiots. I'm sorry, but I can't say otherwise. What scumbags you have to be, to write such a thing.

Russian missiles bomb Ukraine (more than 3,000 missiles), I'm not talking about hundreds of thousands of shells. Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainians. But NATO and Ukrainians are fucking to blame. We bomb and kill ourselves. Stupid idiots.

We've already seen Atrocities worse than Buchi. In Mariupol, the number of victims was not in the hundreds. There are thousands of people killed there

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