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Jun 5th 2023
Hello again. A new week begins and Day 467 of Europe's war.

All the important stuff from #Russia's illegal war and #Ukraine's defence is here in one place, as always!
Updates throughout the day, each day.

Thanks for reading, replying, boosting, contributing!
Read on...
Sunday's thread was a bit crazy and very long!

#Russia army was in the novel position of having prisoners of war taken by three different factions!

Mass brawls in Russia & a very sad story about dolphins.

Yep all those stories and more. Catch up here⬇️
#Russia's losses a little more stable today but troop deaths pass 210,000.

Also, it's not clear if these estimates from #Ukraine include Kremlin losses to Russian rebel units and #Wagner 😜🤣 Image
Read 19 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
The start of meteorological summer. It's also the start of the 17th month which has seen war in #Ukraine.
It's Day 463 of #Russia's illegal war and Thursday is another day which has started with murder in #Kyiv.

All the important news and analysis in one thread, starts here:
First, a quick reminder that you can access all yesterday's developments in #Ukraine in this link to the start of Wednesday's thread⬇️

Thanks to all my followers, boosters, story suggesters and financial supporters (see my profile for the link)

1/ Attack on #Kyiv

The first day of summer is Children's Day in #Ukraine. Yesterday schools closed for the summer.
In the first few hours of this special day, an 11 year old child was killed, murdered by #Russia's missiles, along with two adults in their 30s.

#StopRussia ImageImage
Read 53 tweets
May 18th 2023
Heute, am 18. Mai, ehrt die Ukraine die Erinnerung an die Deportationsopfer unter den Krimtataren am Erinnerungstag an die Krimtataren-Genozidopfer.

📷 Serhiy Nuzhnenko/
1/3 Image
Am 18. Mai 1944 begannen sowjet. Autoritäten das indigene Volk der Krim, die Krimtataren, aus ihrer Heimat unter Zwang zu deportieren. Während & nach der Deportation, als die Krimtataren gezwungen wurden außerhalb der Krim zu leben, starben die Hälfte der Binnenvertriebenen. 2/3
2014 wurde die Krim von Russen okkupiert. Krimtataren, die nicht das Kreml Regime unterstützen, werden drangsaliert und verfolgt. 3/3
Read 3 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Ihr habt mit Sicherheit schon mitbekommen. Putin hat jetzt offiziell anerkannt, dass 🇷🇺🗑️Invasoren 2014 in die Ukraine einmarschiert sind.
Die ausführlichste Quelle dazu übersetzt als Thread für euch!!

Russischer „Söldner“ erhält staatliche
staatliche Auszeichnung von Putin für Kampf im Donbas

Halya Coynash

Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten privaten Militärfirma Wagner (PMC) wurde 2014 mit einer russischen Staatsauszeichnung "Für Tapferkeit" geehrt. In Russland ist es illegal, ein Söldner zu
sein, aber das ist nur einer von vielen Gründen, um Moskaus Behauptung zu widerlegen, es habe nichts mit der Wagner PMC zu tun, die sowohl in der Ukraine als auch in Syrien eingesetzt wurde. Einer von 26 Panzerfahrern der sogenannten Wagner Private Military Company [PMC] wurde
Read 35 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
I've got a letter this evening from an Danish friend, promised to translate to English, he wanted me to lay this out, a long thread:

Russian sadism. Colonel Roman Svitan's testimony
Roman Hryhorovytj Svitan (date of birth: 4.1.1964) - a reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a leading military expert and an instructor pilot. One of the heroes of the movie "Heroes of Ukrainian Donbas".
According to him, he experienced the sadism of the Russians on his own example.
Read 22 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
This is what the Genocide of the Ukrainian Nation looks like.
Russia did something similar in Grozny (Chechnya), #Georgia, Idlib, Arikha, Sarmin (#Syria).
#Mariupol, #Severodonetsk, #Volnovakha, #Popasna, #Liman were destroyed... The same is done in #Bakhmut, #Soledar.⬇️
2. Wherever the Russian soldier goes, there is murder, rape, looting and destruction. #Russia is a country of killers.

#StopRussia #StopPutin
#SanctionsRussia Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
1.❌⛴Estonia can close the Gulf of Finland to #Russia.

The government of #Estonia is going to introduce a coastal "adjacent zone" in the Gulf of Finland, which will allow to block Russian shipping.

The contiguous zone is a marine zone adjacent to the territorial sea, which⬇️ Image
2. can be established by domestic law and where the coastal state has the right to exercise control, as well as to punish in case of various violations of its legal acts.

The right of a state in the "contiguous zone" extends to customs and tax matters, as well as sanitary and⬇️
3.and immigration regulations. This makes it possible to check compliance with Estonian law within 24 nautical miles from the baseline of the Estonian territorial sea and to look after Russian warships and civilian vessels leaving the ports of the LeningradRegion and Kronstadt.⬇️
Read 7 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
1.🇺🇸#US President Joe Biden commented on Putin's statement about the "ceasefire regime" during January 6-7:
"I don't want to respond to what Putin says. It's interesting that he was ready to bomb hospitals, kindergartens and churches... on December 25 and on New Year's...⬇️ Image
2. I think he's trying to take a breather."

🇩🇪Head of the #German Foreign Ministry Annalena Burbock about the "ceasefire regime" during January 6-7, which was announced by Putin:
"If Putin wanted peace, he would have taken his soldiers home and the war would have ended.⬇️ Image
3. But it is clear that he wants to continue the war after a short pause. The so-called 'ceasefire' will bring neither freedom nor security to the people who live in daily fear under Russian occupation.⬇️
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia #StopPutin #StandWithUkraine Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 28th 2022
Überblick über die bisherigen Auswirkungen der 🇷🇺🗑️Sanktionen: Von wegen Sanktionen wirken nicht.
1. In 🇷🇺wurde ein historischer Rekord an Währungs- und Rohstoffverlusten aufgestellt👇🧵
#RussiaIsANaziState #PutinWarCriminal #RussiaIsLosing #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussianBankRun
1/1 Die Ausfuhr von Rohstoffen aus der Russischen Föderation im Jahr 2022 überstieg die Einfuhr um mehr als 250 Milliarden Dollar. Neben der nicht kompensierten Ausfuhr von Rohstoffen hat #Russland weiter verloren. 2. 300 Milliarden Dollar in Form von beschlagnahmten oder
2/1 eingefrorenen staatlichen Reserven und Vermögenswerten und hatte die größten wirtschaftlichen Verluste zu verzeichnen. Unter Berücksichtigung der anormalen Rabatte auf russische Exportgüter beliefen sich die Verluste auf mehr als 550 Milliarden Dollar.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
Sofia & her two children escaped from #Mariupol, a once prospering Ukrainian city, now completely wiped out by Russian invaders.
1/ Image
Sofia is a professional stylist and make-up artist; she has her own studio and was a contractor for the Mariupol TV station. Her family just moved to their dream-house just before the full-scale invasion.
2/ Image
Mariupol was attacked from the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. The once prosperous city was made decimated and the conditions were made unliveable.
3/ Image
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Oct 29th 2022
At the time of Independence, there were 2,321 nuclear warheads in Ukraine, which is six times more than China now.

Ukraine has renounced nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees of security and territorial integrity. What did it lead to...
Read 11 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
All for them, for our children.

Their lives. Freedom. Of The Future.

#Ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussianAggression #RussiaIsANaziState
Bogdan from Bakhmut.

Russian fascists killed his father, his pregnant mother. No one could collect their bodies for several days because of the shelling, so the boy ran away to do it himself - the police saved the child, and the police dog Rem helped bring him back from shock.…
We will never forget all the suffering and tears of our children by the Russian fascist.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #russiaisateroriststate #RussiaIsANaziState #StopRussiaNOW
Read 14 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
1/1.Why, instead of stopping the Russian terrorists by the whole world. To show that his blackmail and threats will not intimidate the world. And the response to all Russia's actions will be tough. Everyone starts to "panic" and post every article about the nuclear threat.
1/2.Do you really not understand that by doing this you are only convincing Putin that his threats are working. It just motivates him. Unties his hands to continue to engage in nuclear blackmail.
1/3.Why does no one say: Look, we are tired of your threats. We don't want war. But if at least one nuclear missile is used, Russia will receive 100 in return.
Why are you letting everyone intimidate you?
Read 8 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
The world through the eyes of Ukrainians... video especially for those who have heard enough of Russian propaganda. Lives thousands of kilometers from Ukraine. He tells us Ukrainians what is happening to us.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
Welcome to Tuesday's thread covering #Russia's illegal war.

13 September is Day 202.
Not as much destruction overnight but Russia still hit #Ukraine.

If you missed yesterday's news, click and scroll here ⬇️

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

The damage came in #Zaporizhzhia when #Russia once again fired anti-aircraft S-300 missiles.

Gov Okeksandr Starukh says 4 rockets hit "technical buildings of one of the infrastructure facilities"

Locals say it's a recycling plant

With no enemy to fight in #Kharkiv, it's not surprising to see equipment numbers down.
But deaths of #Russian soldiers still relatively high.

#RussiansGoHome #StandWithUkraine
Read 38 tweets
Sep 6th 2022
Struggle for freedom.

Struggle for life.

Fight for goodness and truth.


#Ukraine️ #Freedom #StopRussiaNOW #StopRussianAggression
1. Do not forget what a high price is given to the victory of Ukraine. Believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But do everything yourself for the victory of our country. Work so that the economy does not stand still. Pay taxes, donate to the army. Engage in volunteer activities.
Work in the information field. Tell the world the truth about the war and the crimes of Russia. Only together we are a force capable of stopping and defeating the invaders Image
Read 11 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
When the Commander-in-Chief of gave the order to the defenders of Azovstal to lay down their arms, the propaganda network began to celebrate the "victory", the "surrender of the Azovites". The Kremlinites and Putinists do not understand how pathetic they look.

This was not the kind of "victory" Putin wanted when he bombed Kyiv at 4 am on February 24th. On May 16, to rejoice in the "captivity" of several hundred defenders of Mariupol, which was wiped off the face of the earth, which was ironed for 82 days.
Those who fought in are already heroes.They came out of hiding, doing everything in their power to protect THEIR land. After the decision of the Commander-in-Chief, who ordered them to "live." Which held back for more than two months, superior manpower and equipment of the enemy
Read 4 tweets
Aug 30th 2022
The world has already begun to forget about Bucha and other atrocities of Russians

1. In a video taken from a drone as early as March 3, Russian soldiers can be seen firing several times at a civilian in Bucha, who is walking along Vokzalnaya Street and turning onto Yablonskaya
On the entire central street of Bucha at that moment there was military equipment of the Russian army.
In addition, satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies (2 videos) proves that some bodies of murdered civilians have been lying on the streets of Bucha since at least March 11, when the Russian military was still in control of the city.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
Sunday 28 August, it's Day 186 of #Russia's full scale invasion.

The day begins with the usual sounds of shelling and terror by the Terrorist State upon #Ukraine. Updates to follow..

Here's the link to the start of yesterday's thread

#Zaporizhzhia once again a focal point for #Russia's invaders.

There are indeed reports of firing in both directions, across the frontline which separates free and occupied ZP.

Reliable reports of explosions in occupied areas, while #Ukraine says its' air defence is working:
In #Kharkiv there are conflicting reports.
Some channels say air defences working well here too.
However others posting on social media about "arrivals" in the area, and the audio on this video clip is convincing

#StandWithUkraine #Kharkov #StopRussia
Read 39 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
You've found the start of the daily thread covering the important news as #Russia continues to attack #Ukraine.

This is Day 185 of the full and illegal war on a peaceful nation.

Updated throughout the day - scroll ⬇️for the main stories
#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
If you missed any of yesterday's developments, here's the start of that thread.

(Thanks very much to Bryan, David and Michael for buying me a coffee - personalised email to follow)

Once again #Kharkiv is already experiencing attacks early this Saturday morning.

It looks as though there are no civilian casualties so far after explosions near the centre of the city in NE #Ukraine.

#StopRussianAggression #SaveUkraine
Read 39 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
🇺🇦Happy 31st birthday #Ukraine🇺🇦
It's Independence Day, but it also marks exactly 6 months since #Russia's jets, tanks + troops invaded the country (8 years after the start of the war)

This is daily thread number 182. All the news all the time

Firstly, Hero of #Ukraine, Boris Johnson made sure famous 10 Downing Street was decked in the colours of Ukraine.

The British PM has just 10 days left in Office.

#SlavaUkraini #UkraineIndependenceDay

Not directly related to the war (unless sabotage) but a breaking story in #Russia

Three ships have been ripped from anchor in a storm at Baidukov Island in the #Amur Estuary - that's the very far east of Russia near #Sakhalin

54 were on board and a rescue operation is underway.
Read 37 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Day 181 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

Yesterday, the thread was interrupted by @TwitterSupport banning me for 12 hours and their Execs refusing to reply to requests. Thanks to those who tried to help but the whole system is crazy
So what was my "crime"?

Errr.. I wrote about this story which is all over Twitter and international media.

It may have been Kremlin trolls, but I was almost instantly banned when mocking the FSB's videos.
Apparently I released "intimate details". WTF??…
When @TwitterSupport's arbitrary ban expires you have two options.
Only at that point can you dispute Twitter's ban.
If you challenge the reason for the ban you stay banned for two weeks while they "investigate"
If you accept your tweet was wrong it's deleted and you're "free"
Read 57 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
Ein 🧵, nehmt Euch nen Keks, dauert.
Ich bin, wie viele hier wissen, im amerikanisch besetzten Teil von D aufgewachsen. Meine ganze Kindheit über waren die Amis unsere Freunde, alles was cool war kam von da, Klamotten, Musik, Basketball, Skateboards, Fastfood, in meiner
Kindheit war es das Allergrößte, wenn Du nen Hamburger von McD bekommen hast. Auf der anderen Seite wurde uns ein eher undurchsichtiges, gefährliches Bild des Ostblocks vermittelt. Riesige Staatengemeinschaften mit Atomwaffen und wenig zu verlieren. Klar, jetzt alles etwas
überspitzt, aber so kam es bei uns Kids nunmal an und selbst heute sind ,,die Russen“ in Filmen ja doch sehr stereotyp. Ich war einigermaßen überrascht, dass es in Sibirien im Sommer bis 40Grad werden kann und nicht alles aus Gulags im ewigen Eis besteht. Als die Mauer
Read 12 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
Daily thread number 179 reporting all the news on the war following #Russia's illegal invasion of #Ukraine.

The big news comes from Moscow, more in a moment, but in case you missed and of yesterday's thread, here's the start:


One of #Russia's most high profile politician's has survived an assassination attempt which killed his daughter.

30 year old Dariya Dugina died when the car she was in exploded. Her father Aleksandr Dugin, sometimes called 'Putin's brain', is seen as a far right extremist
Aleksandr Dugin has previously called for Russia to control from Dublin to Vladivostok.

He was the target of the car bomb. Dugin reportedly switched vehicles at the last moment and was following his daughter when her Toyota exploded.

Mash media say this is Dugin at the scene
Read 31 tweets

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