Igor Kyivskyi Profile picture
Now about the war in Ukraine and events in the world.

Sep 14, 2022, 7 tweets

The world through the eyes of Ukrainians... video especially for those who have heard enough of Russian propaganda. Lives thousands of kilometers from Ukraine. He tells us Ukrainians what is happening to us.

Comparison of houses destroyed by the Russian invaders in Borodyanka, Gostomel, Bucha, Kyiv, Makarov, Motyzhyn, Mykulychy, Berezhivka, Myla and Irpen.

Video: Yulia Palko

Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel.. towns near Kiev.

Before the war.

After the arrival of the occupiers.

#RussiaIsATerrorristState #RussiaIsANaziState #RussiaTerroristState #StopRussiaNOW #StopRussianAggression

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