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Sep 17, 2022, 10 tweets

We think you should consider Bouzy’s alleged activities prior to 2018 🙂

As “IconicExpert,” Bouzy is accused of defrauding many of thousands of dollars in a cryptocurrency scam back in 2014.

This is whom #media is now referencing as an “expert.”

Notably, in addition to his BlackCoin scam, Christopher Bouzy aka “IconicExpert” is accused of defrauding investors/running #cryptocurrency scams (mostly “pump-and-dump” schemes) multiple times, using several aliases and attacking various coins, such as LibertyCoin, and others.

Warnings about Christopher Bouzy aka “IconicExpert,” the alleged #cryptocurrency scammer, began to appear on #BITCOIN forums and Twitter throughout 2014, even as Bouzy/“IconicExpert” schemed his next “pump-and-dump” fraud.

More examples of warnings about alleged #cryptocurrency scammer Christopher Bouzy aka “Iconic Expert” from throughout 2014.

#BitCoin investors became so weary of anything with alleged #cryptocurrency scammer “IconicExpert,” aka Christopher Bouzy, attached to it that by early 2015, he decided to retire his alias and go by Bouzy, his actual name, which had already begun to be shared in crypto forums.

After reverting to using his birth name/dropping alias “IconicExpert” in 2015, Bouzy appears to have not engaged in alleged fraudulent schemes, perhaps in an effort to disassociate from this past before moving on to his next scam. Then, in early 2018, Bouzy announced BotSentinel.

Bouzy has never answered for any of these allegations and has notoriously avoided discussing his past as “IconicExpert,” ignoring questions about the accusations and largely sweeping them under the proverbial rug.

Bouzy is equally unforthcoming about his funding for BotSentinel, which he often claims is user-supported. This may be the case now, but we have often wondered if the very same money Bouzy is accused of defrauding #cryptocurrency investors of served as seed money for BS in 2018.

ADDENDUM: In @LumberLaw’s livestream this Friday, which featured @IanRunkle, @HoegLaw, and other #LawTube luminaries, @legalbytesmedia suggested that perhaps Bouzy was concerned RE things from his past Bouzy preferred to keep buried away. We urge them to review this #thread.

We suspect what Christopher Bouzy fears most, @legalbytesmedia @IanRunkle @HoegLaw @LumberLaw, et al, is that the extensive allegations of #cryptocurrency fraud from his past come to light.

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