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Independent freelance Journalist, who likes to report breaking news and news topics around the world, and gives regular updates about other news topics.

Sep 21, 2022, 16 tweets

#Breaking: Just in - Anti-war protests have started to slowly form in places across several cities in #Russia, reports of at least 48 people got arrested already by Russian police, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - Riot police in #Russia have been ordered that all anti-war protestors would be arrested and would face up to 15 years of jail time, if they protest in cities and villages in Russia. after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine.

#Update: Just in - More protests have started to slowly form in places across several cities in #Russia, reports of at least 48 people got arrested already by Russian police, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - At least 21 people have been arrested in the city of krasnoyarsk, #Russia, after anti-war protests started to form in the region, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - At least 18 people have been arrested in the city of Novosibirsk, #Russia, after anti-war protests started to form in the region, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: just in - Anti-war protests in #Yekaterinburg, Russia is being cracked down hard by #Russia[n police forces, at least 14 arrested, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - More video from anti-war protestors in #Krasnoyarsk, Russia, after 21 people have been already been arrested earlier in the city, after #Putin announced he will send 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - More videos of anti-war protestors being arrested by police forces in the city of #Ekarerenburg, #Russia, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - More videos of anti-war protestors crowds in #Novosibirsk, #Russia is being formed, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Breaking: Update - At least around 123 anti-war protestors have been arrested in cities across #Russia, protesting the war in #Ukraine, and the sending of 300.000 new Russian troops to their neighbor.

#Update: Just in - Anti-war protestors in the capital of #Moscow in #Russia, are chanting "NO TO WAR" and are being tear gassed by Russian police forces, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front

#Update: Just in - More videos of #Russia{n police forces cracking down hard on anti-war protestors in the capital of #Moscow in #Russia, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - More videos of #Russia{n police forces brutally cracking down hard on anti-war protestors in the capital of #Moscow in #Russia, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine to the front lines.

#Update: Just in - Anti-war protestors in #Moscow in #Russia, are chanting "Putin to the trenches", as Russian police forces arrested dozens of protestors in the city, after president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine.

#Update: Just in - Another video footage of #Russia[n police, smacking a anti-war protestors head hards twice against a shop window of a bakery, after Russian president #Putin announced earlier today, he will be sending 300.000 new Russian troops to #Ukraine.

#Breaking: Update - At least around 380 anti-war protestors have been arrested in cities across #Russia, protesting the war in #Ukraine, and the sending of 300.000 new Russian troops to their neighbor.

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