Polished Times 🇵🇱 semper invicta Profile picture
🇵🇱potpourri of news,history&heritage ⚜️winging our way to glory ⚜️EconHist by training, chronically ill by fate ⚜️PhD⚜️LSE⚜️ECB⚜️PRINCETON ⚜️mon❤️reste en🇵🇱

Sep 23, 2022, 8 tweets

The adoption of the Act of 23 Sept 1922 on the construction of Gdynia port by 🇵🇱 Parliament is considered the formal beginning of the port of Gdynia. The works on its establishment, however, commenced much earlier... 🧵

#PolishHistory #History #WW2 #Poland #OTD

The favourable int'l situation, the signing of the Treaty of Versailles & the restoration of 🇵🇱 access to the sea constituted an incentive for the 🇵🇱 gov to take action. The needs of the 🇵🇱 trade were to be secured by the Free City of Gdańsk, located within the customs area of 🇵🇱

In 1920 there was a conflict regarding the blocking of shipment of arms to 🇵🇱 during war w/🇷🇺, calling 🇵🇱 warships at port. The need to build the own sea port became apparent. In 1920, Kazimierz Porębski appointed Mr Wenda, the engineer to choose the place to build a future port.

Mr Wenda not only presented a proposal of the port location, but he also designed it and was appointed the construction manager of the port.

In 1930s, the port of Gdynia began to compete with other ports of the Baltic.  Large hinterland and favourable investment conditions brought success in the global market. The day before the outbreak of the #WWII, the Port of Gdynia was a modern and fully equipped port.

The development of Gdynia had influenced not only the development of maritime economy, but the whole reorientation of the 🇵🇱 economy – as much as 80 % of Polish export and 65 % of import were realized by sea until 1938‼️ Gdynia had become and is still 🇵🇱 window on the 🌍.

Seizure of Gdynia by 🇩🇪 on 14 Sept 1939 brought an end to the development of the port. During #WWII Gdynia was the base for the 🇩🇪 Navy and one of the most important centres of the armaments industry and thus became the target of allied forces air rides. #ReparationsForPoland

After the war ended special institution was established in order to restore the port to life. 1964 ended the process of removal of war damage in the port of Gdynia and the port reached the pre-war volume of shipments as late as in 1965 💪🏻🇵🇱


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