Dr. Peter J Brand Profile picture
Egyptologist & historian, University of Memphis. Karnak Hypostyle Hall Project #history #Ramesses #Egypt #Archaeology #ancient #antiquity #Egyptology

Oct 18, 2022, 14 tweets

2/ Tutankhamun's mummy was protected with elaborate sets of broad collars of gold foil & inlaid gold, shaped like falcons, vultures, & cobras.

3/ We looked at the gold foil examples early in the countdown. Today the more elaborate inaid collars #Mythology #Art #Gold #Egypt #Archaeology #AncientArt #History #Jewelry #Ancient #AncientEgypt
#Egypt #Egypte #Egipto #Egito #Αίγυπτος #Ägypten #מִצְרַיִם #Egitto #エジプト

4/ There were 2 sets of several collars each: foil & inlaid. None of them were worn in life. Their function was to protect the king's mummy & insure he was reborn in the Afterlife. #이집트 #Египет #Єгипет #埃及 #埃及 #مصر

5/ Each was made up of dozens of plaque segments with colored glass inlays imitating collars made of beads. #이집트 #Египет #Єгипет #埃及 #埃及 #مصر

6/ The tomb had several actual beaded broad collars of the type worn in life like these faience examples.

7/ The broad collars with falcon's head terminals were associated with the deceased's mummy. They also appear on Tutankhamun's coffins & famous gold mask

8/ close up view of one of the falcon head terminals on a broad collar. Some of the bead inlays have decayed

9/ View of the broad collar with its wire string & counterpoise. It was never designed to ware in life, only to be draped over the king's mummified body & layered between the bandages

10/ This magnificent falcon collar is made of reddish gold with dozens of flexible segments inlaid with hundreds of fine colored glass pieces.

11/ The falcon collar represents the god Horus, protector of his father Osiris. In death, the deceased king became Osiris

12/ Like the other inlaid flexible gold collars, the Falcon collar has a "backup copy" made of engraved gold foil

13/ Later in the countdown we will see even more magnificent flexible collars shaped like vultures & winged cobras

14/ Tomorrow on my Tutankhamun 100 day countdown, a marvelous royal chair

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