Av𝖌Ape🦋 Profile picture
🦋The Fires of Justice can be neither Tempered nor Controlled A Million Bridges🔥 in Pursuit of Finding the Truth, Bring me those Fucking Pigs & Kill'em All🔪👑

Oct 24, 2022, 39 tweets

(2/13) Blue Owl was brought up by @SylviaRey Recently

The Mcafee KillSwitch/Blockchain
Data Dropped This Image 👇 I will go Through The Locations In these next tweets

(3/13) 🔮What I found Near the Location is More Important than the Location itself

#Blackrock/Blackrock Financial/#Blackstone Group
#Citi & Citi Private

Shadow/Real? Synthetic Everything? 1:1 Seen/Unseen

(4/13) ⚠️Once Again its Not the Location... Its what is Close by...

- Second Location (Willis Tower) Chicago, 30 N LaSalle St Suite 4140...

Where did @CEOAdam First Start?
--> 1987-1990 Hyatt Hotels

@AMCbiggums @BossBlunts1 @goad_solar @_DavidVsGoliath @StonkVision @SylviaRey

(5/13) --> 3rd Location 646 Steamboat Rd, Greenwich, CT --> Another #Citi Private Bank Near by as well as...

Cairn Capital --> Address: 62 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ, United Kingdom/⚠️WestMinster

(6/13) --> 4th Location Greenwich Office Park, Suite 240, Nearby, Insurance Agency... Lawyers/Insurance are a big piece to the puzzle.

(7/13) --> 5th Location 2884 Sand Hill Rd, Menlo Park, Ca.

👀🔎Nearby --> SILVER LAKE

(8/13) --> 6th Location 51 John F Kennedy Pkwy Short Hills NJ

Nearby --> Diamond Jewelery 🤣💎👊

(9/13) -> 7th Location 575 Lexington

Nearby -> Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Family owns Investments in some of the LARGEST BANKS in the🌎

⚠️They originated in the Rhineland region in Germany and they Moved to Province of Pennsylvania in 1718(Net $360 B) @CEOAdam & Philly


--> 7th Location 575 Lexington

⚠️Also Nearby --> BARCLAYS - #Citadel / Ireland

🔮 @SylviaRey Told Many on A Space This Morning...

🏴‍☠️(FULL-SIZE REPLICA MOCKUP) - Like I said Earlier in the Thread 1:1

#AMC🦍@CEOAdam Has Put it in this Tweet...

--> Full Size Replica Mockup
--> 1943
--> Ireland

🏴‍☠️What are Crypto Synthetic Stocks and how to Trade Synthetic Assets?

⚠️Stock Investment #Crypto #Synthetic #Stocks are even better..

Crypto/#blockchain Transform Finance, Investment,& Banking! = Synthetic Assets Paired to The Chain @SylviaRey 👀👇


#Citadel Joins #blockchain Trading Startup Cobalt's ⚠️Peer to Peer⚠️Network Including #CITI 1:!

-Cobalt FX Launch 2017 is a POST-TRADE Processing Network on Distributed Ledger Technology

@SylviaRey @merica1st17 @wolf_of_ape_st @goad_solar @joelextra @chef_master_d


🔮Next Tweet Back to the Locations... 🐇🕳️ Connecting🕸️🏴‍☠️

⚠️Voltron DD - #Citi Swaps on #MMAT


(10/13) 7th Location @CEOAdam

--> Rockefellers Net Worth

1950 6B
1970 20B
2000 38B
2020 310B
2021 335B
2022 360B

-They Transported Illegaly Mined Gold...
-They Hold #BERKSHIRE Hathaway...
-There Capital is Increasing at an Insane Rate

(10.1/13) --> 8Th Location - The Landmark Edinburgh Tower⚠️Hong Kong⚠️

Nearby --> Rocks Asia Securities Limited

-> Rocks - Multiple - #BlackRock / #Blackrock Finance / #Blackstone
-> #Citi/ #Citi Private
👆From Location 1 (Image 2) In this Post👇

🔮1:1 or 1:1 = 4❔

(10.2/13) --> 9Th Location - 12 Marina View (SINGAPORE)

==> Nearby - #Deutsche Asset Management(Asia)

--> Back To Location 8 in HONG KONG, The Nearby Location was...

👀RockS ASIA - Location 8 (img2)👇

(11/13) Final Location --> Bain Capital, LONDON

🔎Nearby --> #Blackstone London / Obsidian Capital Mgmt & Once Again #Barclays Bank

🔮Rember Location 1
The #Blackstone Group 1:1/1:4

I have Gone Over The Locations, I will Add More Info/Data That Should be Seen Thread =Lengthy

(12/20) ⚠️The Rockefeller Family Owns Investments in some of the Largest Banks in the🌎

->Which helped them hoard large sums of $ without drawing Attention of Tax Authorities...BerkShire...
@goad_solar @wolf_of_ape_st @BossBlunts1 @AMC_Apee @SylviaRey


(13/20) Berkshire... Warren Buffet... @SylviaRey Posted this Already but More👀Should be on it IMO.

--> Next Tweet Will Connect This Tweet & Info👇

(Img1) -> @CEOAdam s Tweet
(Img2) --> 357 Assumption of Liability

🔎👀Episode 357 #BERKSHIRE 's 13-F, JetBlue's Hostile Takeover...

--> Rockefellers Hodl #Berskhire & Buffet has Been
Positioning himself Amongst 🎥🍿 #AMC $AMC

(15/20) @SylviaRey's Post👇


--> You Must Think I am all over the Place but Remember EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED🌐

I will Continue to Explain & Link These 🐇🕳️
Together to make sense of it all

(16/20) 🌐🏴‍☠️OFFSHORE WIKI_LEAKS🏴‍☠️🌐

~MaTcHeD With ⚠️#kengriffin

-United Kingdom
@AMC_Apee @AMCbiggums @BossBlunts1 @PeteG_5 @SylviaRey @wolf_of_ape_st @goad_solar @_DavidVsGoliath @jjbrown111076 @JeffTay68778958 @EduardBrichuk

@CEOAdam & his 4s...

⚠️The 4 Banks Reporting Earings this Week👇

(18/20) The House of ♣️🤍♠️♦️'s is Falling...

1) UK $ To Vatican Then🔪Bank of England. Flipped From Q.T. to Q.E. Pension fund panic led to Bank of England’s ⚠️Emergency Intervention
Less Pain Now= More Later

2) Japan


(19/20) ♠️🤍♣️♦️ Continuing To Collapse

2) JAPAN 👇

(20/30) ♠️🤍♣️♦️ Next To Go...

1) UK
2) JPN
3)CHINA? Central Bank Head to Step Down? link👇
4) ?

(21/30) Back to #BLUEOWL

-->Andrew Laurino... Currently Senior Managing Director, Investment at Blue Owl.

Director of👇

Credit Suisse
Oct 2008 - Dec 2012

Vice President of👇

🏴‍☠️Lehman Brothers
Aug 2003 - Sep 2008

(22/30) --> Alan Kirschenbaum... Graduated P.A. Wharton School of Buisness.

Was Chief Financial Officer👇

🏴‍☠️Bear Stearns Asset Management
Nov 1999 - May 2006

Current Chief Operating & Financial Officer at #OwlRock Capital Partners Since 2015...

(23/30) --> Michael Reese...

Current Co-President/Founder, Head of Dyal Capital & #BlueOwl Capital

🏴‍☠️He was The Managing Director 2001-2008 of Lehman Bros👀

(24/30) --> Sean Ward...

Current Senior Managing Director #BlueOwl He is
ALSO the Managing Director at Dyal Capital Partners.

Previously... ⚠️VICE PRES OF #LEHMAN BROS.

(25/30) --> Jon ten Oever...

Previously - VICE PRES of #CreditSuisse

Co-Head of Technology Underwriting
20+ Years of Experience
Previously at #GoldmanSachs

@SylviaRey @AMCbiggums @StonkVision @Burim8203 @nfd552 @JanJak_AMC @goad_solar @joelextra @stanos07 @EduardBrichuk

(26)💎Speaking of #CreditSuisse @CEOAdam

Left The Bread Crumbs... This is another ONE of his Tweets with Purposeful Incorrect Facts.

When He Tweeted about Kansas City Chiefs...

🔮ArrowHead Stadium = 3 Arrows Capital (Hedgefund) Liquidation Ordered in BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

(27) Remeber Tweet (16) - BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

This Thread Will Take Reading & Re-Reading...
🐇🕳️ Into 🐇🕳️

Back to 3 Arrows Connections on Next Tweet

OffshorewikiLeaks #Kengriffin 👇

(28) 3 Arrows Lead me to this... #Citadel building #Cryptocurrency Trading Ecosystem Partnered with Virtu & ⚠️SEQUOIA CAPITAL Which Was A Nearby Location from Tweet (7)


Three Arrows Capital is a SINGAPORE Based #Crypto Hedge Fund...

-Offshore Wiki Leaks - Griffin Management Singapore/British Virgin Islands

Img3/4 #Crypto Crisis will be forced to strip away the Cloak of anonymity that facilitates Criminal Acts #Crypto Significant Vehicle

30/40 Let me Bring it back to how @CEOAdam goes from
ArrowHead Stadium Meaning -> 3 Arrows Capital -> Sequoia #Citadel #Virtu & Most Importantly #CreditSuisse

(31) 3 Arrows Devs.

⚠️Zhu graduated a year early, moved to TOKYO to trade Derivatives at #CreditSuisse

⚠️Zhu worked at a HFT Shop in SINGAPORE Called Flow Traders.

He learned to capture small variations in relative value between two linked assets... @SylviaRey @AMCbiggums 💎

(32/40) Another 🕳️🐇 The Relationship Between The World Economic Forum & Builderberg Club🏴‍☠️

Remember the Nearby Location from Tweet (11)...

⚠️BAIN Capital... A Partner of the WEF - World Economic Forum & The Builderberg Club...

👇Info/Image & Article Found by @CuttillEric

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