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🎉 Demand 1: No New Oil and Gas Licences - WON 🔥 Demand 2: Just Stop Oil by 2030 🧡 We need a Fossil Fuel Treaty. Part of the A22 Network

Oct 26, 2022, 8 tweets


🚗 At 8:30am today, two Just Stop Oil supporters sprayed orange paint over several luxury car dealers on Berkeley Sq and Bruton St, including HR Owen Bugatti, Jack Barclay Bentley, Bentley Motor Cars London and Ferrari Mayfair

🛢 They are demanding that the government halts all new oil and gas consents and licences. Oil is causing the climate and cost of living crisis, making us poorer, destroying jobs and killing us now. New oil and gas is an act of genocide.

#FreeLouis #FreeJosh #A22Network

💬 Carmen Lean, a 28-year-old architecture student from Glasgow, said:

“We pay exorbitant bills for oil and gas but it’s nothing compared to the price our kids will pay for it. New oil and gas is a death sentence for people all around the world.

#CivilResistance #JustStopOil

“You can throw us in prison but it won’t stop our outrage at this government throwing millions of people under the bus. We’re not asking for no new oil, we’re demanding it.

“This Govt is using the crisis to push through more austerity on one hand & new oil licences on the other.

“Both are death sentences. If this government cared about people, they would be insulating homes, investing in affordable public transport and massively scaling up renewables.”

🔥 Join us and the People’s Assembly coalition on Saturday 5 November: bit.ly/JSO5nov

📝 Sign up for arrestable direct action at bit.ly/JSOaction

🌡 Learn more about the campaign at bit.ly/JSOevents

💷 Support us at bit.ly/JSOdonate2

#NoNewOil #EnoughIsEnough #OccupyWestminster #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #CostOfLivingCrisis

💬"In what world is it ok to buy and sell luxury cars, when people can't afford to eat or heat their homes, or when people all over the world are suffering and dying from the climate crisis... Inequality is what's driving the climate crisis"

💬 "Why are millions of children in poverty in this country, while people are buying SUVs from @BentleyMotors... It's obscene. I'm surprised this stuff isn't happening more.

There is a reason we are so poor, and it's because there are more and more rich people getting richer."

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