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J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.

Oct 30, 2022, 14 tweets

1/ Well yesterday was apparently a hell of a day... (at least for Russians)

2/ gen staff report - mid day
part 1&2

3/ not a lot of "news" this morning.. some russians attacks were reported as usual in the usual areas and wargonzo reports some, as usual, but do not even brag about anything.. *
i guess they are just getting killed or pushed back everywhere...

4/ Still, there are still some UKr losses, days after days and even if "fewer" than the Russians one, we need to recognize the losses & knowledge it. Also because a lots of good men (&women) are losing their lives there..
Actually i've posted several time in the past abt it

5/ and it blows my mind to see how the majority of the typical lack of support from the so called "Osint male supporter" in the Ukraine war.
pew pew yes, real people no, never...
well, one more time, good people are dying every single day there.. need to praise them for sacrifice

6/ among them : Squadron commander Andriy Litovchenko, was killed on July 12, 2022 during a combat mission in the area of the village of Dementiyivka, Kharkiv region. The 33-year-old defender suffered a fatal "explosive" injury.
can read about them here : facebook.com/memorialofhero…

7/ Also we still learn this morning that, as much as we report Ru material destructions and losses, for the 3rd time i have official notifications about Ukr heavy materials that also need lots of reparations when it's possible. Ru are not just shooting birds in #Ukraine. this is

8/ a real heavy war..
so Gen staff talk this morning about : "This week, the Armed Forces of Ukraine handed over two more PzH2000 SAU allies repaired in Lithuania"
which comes on top of other repairs in other countries, already planned. to my account more than 25 to date.

9/ Also Oleg (#Kharkiv gov) is still reporting some heavy destruction and shelling like in #Kupiansk

10/ but the say is still "young" and #UAarmy has still much to do out there!
be careful #Russian folks... the "Brrrroumppffff" is in the wood !
(South command is hot!)

11/ today is also a special day in #Ukraine as today all the drivers & such (the ones doing the job like the blood flow does in a body) are receiving special awards when they risked their own life, accomplishing this absolute necessary job.

12/ Also starting today,Free #firewood to the residents of the frontier territories will begin to be delivered next week
Delivery of free firewood to dangerous areas of eight frontier areas begins: Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Nikolaev, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv

13/ because as we may also forget, but hundred thousands of civilians population are now having really cold night (sometimes almost freezing) in certains areas that are shelled almost everyday. do not forget that all the areas like #Tchernihiv are still shelled by Ru on reg basis

14/ i'll come back later today to talk about Kherson area (some good reports are coming from that area but frankly need some real checking as for the 100th time, it could be more "noise" than real)
cross finger it is real.
and i'll also close the week with all my Excel tabs.

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