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Oct 31, 2022, 10 tweets

Hello there!
#Ukrainian air defense reports that it has shot downed 44 out of more than 50 Ru missiles launched to hit several UKr cities this morning.
Little toxic rat strategy against innocent civilians will not prevail!

2/ #Kyiv in blackout again.
Just wanted to remind you guys that all those attacks on critical civilian infrastructure, such as the power grid : again #Russian war crime
but as Anastasia @lapatina_ reports..
even older are sending one message to #Nazcccp !

3/ oh by the way mister Putin...
EVERY SINGLE DAY you are LOSING an equivalent of a BTG !
whatever "delirium" you are in or coping mechanism you want to employ... you are on a such a slope that your army will be dissolved in #UkraineWar ground.. even if takes 2 more years!

4/ as for your air "dominance" (lololol) & even counting only 200 rotary wings & fighters downed.. it was made in 8 months.. & whatever is again your "delusional" thoughts about this.. again, even if it take 2 years, you'll have no more real air force left, whatsoever!

5/ so even if the maps are fully red every couple of day because of your missiles, mr PUTIN, you are forcing people to live in cold undergrounds sometimes, the only things that this is going to achieve is getting your stock depleted, again, in the coming months. & that will give

6/ Ukrainians all the morale fuel they need to fck you and your dumb army, again & again & again.
you can't can't achieve anything like that.
everything will be build back, hundreds civilians might die in the process along the way, but that's all you'll achieve.
Western world

7/ is entirely backing up #Ukraine and even you wreak havoc for the next couple of years you won't have achieve anything..
on the contrary.. more defense missiles will be poured in Ukraine, more trained soldiers, more ATGMs than you can even produce MBTs or IFVs..
you suck!

8/ you will never be able to produce another Holodomor, nor conquer any remarquable territory now & going forward. you are juste going to push your entire country in a crash economy... just like all other stupid fcks like you did in history.
entering the Club of ultimate losers.

9/ anyway.... Putin can go on like that and like & just try to bring everyone else down with him until his death or "removal" of power.. but at the end of the day, Ukraine will simply goes on and on and on, and survive all these attacks & reinforce their own particular strength.

10/ also side notes..
even if it takes 12-15 months.. F-16 will come in one day
right no Ukr AF has chosen a group of pilots that can move to the US & start training on U.S. planes (F-16 & F-15).
The pilots are “young, promising, proficient in English & with combat experience”

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