Rebecca Tidy Profile picture
I cover drugs, organised crime, policing + public health.

Nov 4, 2022, 13 tweets

There's a series of interlinked Discord groups for Britain's cops. You must show policing ID – such as a warrant card – to gain entry.

These groups are packed full of misogyny, racism + homophobia that – quite frankly – makes the recent WhatsApp revelations look tame.🍎

Over the next week or so, I'm going to share excerpts from these groups, which – collectively – have a membership of many hundreds of police officers. And of course, we can be certain they're emergency services workers as they all foolishly flashed their ID to join the group.🍏

The @metpoliceuk has launched a #NotInMyMet campaign to combat misogyny, racism + other forms of discrimination, after Sarah Everard's death at the hands of a serving officer.

Unfortunately, many police officers show huge contempt towards this training on women's safety.🍎

The Discord cops regularly target the head of the National Black Police Association for highlighting racial disparities.

They make several attempts to co-ordinate Twitter pile-ons to his account, in response to his inoffensive, everyday tweets.🍏

I would also like to highlight the Discord cops' lies about me.

Despite their repeated claims, I don't have a husband. I've certainly never dated anyone who got 9 months imprisonment for failing to provide an iPhone passcode.🍎

There have been a mere 2 convictions for this offence since 2015. I've never met the 2 defendants + don't know their names.

But the Internet cops like to portray me as "connected to criminals", so they can "discredit" my drug reform campaigning.🍏

Here are some more lies + nasty comments about me. They call my toddler a "crack baby" + say she consumed meth in the womb, falsely claiming her dad's in jail.

Oh dear, seems the Discord police don't like politicians much either.

Is there anyone they actually do like?🍎

FYI, @DC_Police, he's one of your lot + he's said some bad stuff.😉

He's also a staunch Lib Dem.

Most of the hatred in these groups is directed at women, black + brown people + LGBT folk.

Here's what they say about a vulnerable girl who was the victim of human trafficking.🍏

Here's the most upsetting post of this thread.

Britain's cops openly joke about the death of black Londoner, Chris Kaba, who was killed by their colleague in the @metpoliceuk.

They even share derogatory memes about Kaba who was about to become a dad.🍎

NB: do note the low-key misogyny whereby this officer uses Katie Price's name in place of his own, with a derisory comment in brackets.

Imagine how you'd feel if the police – Britain's supposed protectors – used your name in such a manner.🍏

These police officers say people who highlight racism are "fucking ridiculous" and "entitled".

Note the casual violence in the first screenshot.🍎

Thank you to the people who helped me access these groups.

Editors: I can provide more info about these Discord groups on request.🍏

#policereform #policebrutality #criminaljustice

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