Rubén Montoya Profile picture
🏛️Dr. in Classical Art History and Archaeology /Adjunct Professor of Humanities @IEUniversity /Researcher @UAHes 📗'Pompeya. Una ciudad romana en 100 objetos.'

Nov 7, 2022, 8 tweets

#Thread 🧵The Roman villa of #Carranque (Toledo) was built in the 4th century AD on top of the remains of an early imperial rural villa. The building is organised around a #peristlye and has #mosaics, 4 of them figured, in the majority of its spaces #Rome #history

One of the mosaics was displayed in a #cubiculum identified by an inscription and had a numbed female bust (probably an allegory of 'Felicitas') in a medallion, a scene of love and metamorphosis and other characters. The #inscription was displayed at the entrance of the room and

said "Ex Of(f)icing Mas[---]ni/ pignut Hirinius / utter Felix Materne / hune cubiculum" (H Epigr 177)

A reception room with an apse and a tripartite entrance was accessed from one of the ambulatories of the peristyle & had a #mosaic with a nude hunter fighting a boar, dogs with names, and Mars and Venus watching at one side. It could be the death of Adonis or a non-heroic scene

Another reception room located at the rear side of the villa had a #mosaic with Achilles and Briseis. In that room a complex architectural design in opus sectile was found in the walls

In a semicircular basin in one of the ambulatories there was a mosaic containing the head of #Ocean among fish and sea-creatures, with his hair imitating a cascade of water. Possibly, there was an associated fountain.

A recent study on the mosaics carried out by Mañas (2018) provided new conclusions on the 3 different workshops identified in the display of the mosaics of the villa.The villa complex also had an industrial area & necropolis. In the 5th c. AD a palatial complex was built nearby

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