Alexander Kamyshin Profile picture
Minister of strategic industries of Ukraine

Nov 12, 2022, 18 tweets

It's been a long day. We finally reached #Kherson and start arranging our return with a regular train there. But that's a long story. Take a sit. 🧵

Once our army fought #russians out of #Kherson, I knew I have to go there and arrange our service ASAP. Boots on the ground is our way.

Days like this one start very early. And today we had a magic morning.

I got used to walking on the tracks. Otherwise you just don’t get there.

Sometimes you have to travel like this. No matter how, but you have to move on.

Damaged tracks and derailed railcars on the way. #russians bring devastation.

Meanwhile, everyone in our #IronTeam knows what to do. Like @Pertsovskyi_O, who makes things happen over the phone, from the middle of nowhere, neverminding the smash around him.

Once derailed railcars a pushed out from the track, and track is fixed, we give way to the train to move forward. And again, and again. Will pick those thrown railcars slightly later. People first.

At some point we understood that we forgot to have breakfast. So we made it right there, near the track. It happened that it was our lunch and dinner as well :) But it was delicious! Only one way it could be better - if my friend @chefjoseandres would make it for us!

We always strongly coordinate with local governors. Like @vitalij_kim, the Governor of #Mykolaiv. Governors know the territory and provide us strong support. Always.

Rusty rails. So many of them I’ve seen in retaken territories after being idle for months. So happy to bring them back to life and polish them with train wheels to shine again.

I’ll remember forever the feeling when we got to the train station. Incredible. #KhersonIsUkraine.

#russians painted over Ukrainian logos at our railcars in #Kherson. And that’s it. #denazification of railcars. What a miserable people they are.

But then we met young local Ukrainians. They where very patriotic, and expecting the regular train of course. The future of Ukraine is alive.

Many cats and dogs everywhere. Like this kitty. Looks like they wait for arrival of my friend and huge cat lover @natemook. I promised them you’ll come, Nate. Hurry up, my friend.

The people of #Kherson celebrate.

#Kherson knows how to celebrate.

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