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Nov 13, 2022, 16 tweets

THREAD!! A lot of people are upset at the latest anti #Yoga rant by Hindu hater and “caste” saleswoman Thenmozhi Soundarajan from “Equality” Labs. It’s important that people understand that she is a critical cog of a multi-layered hate-ecosystem spreading #Hinduphobia in US, 1/n

A cursory look at Equality Labs and the those involved in it, exposes its connection to individuals and organizations that are connected to #Pakistan, it’s intel agency, genocidal war criminals, radical #Islamists #Khalistanis and terrors groups. Let’s look at some of them. 2/n

Equality Labs became famous after they wrote a “caste report” in 2018. This report was fully debunked as biased & unscientific in 2020 by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. However Equality Lab’s report, exposed some scary stakeholders in Thenmozhi’s shenanigans. 3/n

Key among these stakeholders in Thenmozhi’s activities : 1) Bhajan Singh Bhinder & his org OFMI, 2) Natasha Dar (caste report’s co-author) & her mother Huma Dar (Kashmiri Islamist) 3) Sharmin Hossein & Hindus for Human Rights 4) Pieter Friedrich Indian American Muslim Council 4/n

We had covered @EqualityLabs and @dalitdiva Thenmozhi’s connection to #Khalistani terror operatives, especially Bhajan Singh Bhinder & his org OFMI, in June.
Bhinder and his associate Pieter Friedrich’s link to Pakistani Intel agency were detailed out in that thread. 5/n

Now let’s look at the role Pakistani American Huma Dar in propping up Equality Labs & @dalitdiva Thenmozhi. Until 2018, Huma and her daughter Natasha had controlling roles in Equality Labs. Huma’s bio (image below) is a wish list of all anti-India campaigns one can think of. 6/n

Huma Dar’s #Hinduphobia & hate against India runs in her family. Her father Lt. Col. Bashir Ahmad had faced defeat in 1965 war with India, & was part of the #PakistanArmy leadership that perpetrated the largest unrecognized genocide of the 20th century in Bangladesh in 1971. 7/n

So a daughter of #PakistanArmy officer involved in 1971 genocide in #Bangladesh, @UCBerkeley’s Huma Dar is in the middle of a trifecta of geopolitical fronts that are actively spreading anti-Hindu hate in US.
Kashmir-Khalistan terrorism & “dalit” activism aided by Islamists. 8/n

Now that we have covered the Pakistan intel+Kashmiri Jihadists+Khalistan connection to @EqualityLabs’ “Dalit” activism, Next we’ll look at the pan-Islamist support to this #Hinduphobic effort, ie, Thenmozhi & Equality Labs connect with IAMC & #ISIS recruiter Zakir Naik. 9/n

Our thread above was timely as #ZakirNaik started trending, thanks to his presence at #WorldcupQatar2022. Now what's a #Islamist #ISIS recruiter doing, preaching at the world's largest sports event is a conversation in itself, let us look at his connection with #EqualityLabs 10/n

3rd author of Equality Lab's 2018 caste, and its research Director is Valli Karunakaran. She also wrote for the #Islamist news portal TwoCircles (TCN). Valli used the fake name Maari Zwick Maitreyi to work for Equality Labs.

In EL's caste report, Valli acknowledges TCN founder Kashif Ul-Huda. Kashif is an Indian American Islamist who is sympathizer of the banned radical group #SIMI & ISIS recruiter #zakir_naik & promotes separatism. See statements marked in red below. We will discuss them later. 12/n

Thread on link between #EqualityLabs, #Khalistanis, #Pakistani intel & #ISIS recruiter #ZakirNaik continues.
Kashif Ul-Huda, a longtime colleague of Equality Lab's @dalitdiva & Valli Karunakaran publicly praises #ZakirNaik. Kashif's brother Mohammad Amir was seen with Zakir 13/n

Interestingly, Kashif ul-Huda & his wife Zainab have been active members of the Boston chapter of Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), another org that spreads Hinduphobia in US. Not surprisingly, Kashif ul-Huda is also associated with 2 book publishing houses in #Pakistan 14/n

Kashif registered the web domains of both Kitaabghar.com & Ilmo Irfan, that operate from Lahore & Rawalpindi respectively.
We see 2 constants, that keep showing up in this web of "activists" on "caste", however we slice & dice
1. Hindu haters
2. Pakistani proxies

But don't be fooled into thinking that its only paid Hindu haters & Pakistan's Intel proxies that are running the hateful "caste" agenda. Other global actors are eagerly enabling them too. @Twitter's former (now disgraced) executive #VijayaGadde is one of them. 16/n
Will continue

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