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Geopolitical Analyst - Researcher - Publisher - Astrologer - Exposing the Occult Aspect of Government #T3OccultAstrology #T3Edit

Nov 17, 2022, 15 tweets

Anyone can see the world has gone mad.
Our matrix is insane. Why?
Since antiquity, the ruling families have practiced strategic inbreeding programs to sustain their wealth and power, from Pharaoh to King Charles III and everyone in between.

Its no secret the ancient Egyptians used this practice during many of their dynastic periods. The most famous being King Tut, the offspring of the famous androgynously portrayed monotheist, #Akhenaten and his sister. Tut also married his sister.

Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire was so inbred for centuries that ruling heads of state suffered from low intelligence, mental issues and physical deformities ranging from inability to walk straight like King Tut, enlarged tongues - inability to eat/talk and the famous #HapsburgJaw

Today the ruling families in power are still blood relatives. EG~ #HouseOfWindsor: They're all the offspring of recent incestuous programming between cousins Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth descended from Queen Victoria and her husband/cousin Prince Albert - from #Hapsburg

Here's another family famous for practicing incest to keep their wealth in the family.
Jacob, the product of the Satanic #Rothschild family inbreeding program since the 18th century, together with other inbred ruling families, built our matrix.

Physical deformities and mental depravity are dead ringers for incestuous breeding.
Take for instance war monger Benjamin Netanyahu. Look at those protruding ears. He's trying to hide the fact that ruling J*wish bloodlines are descended from inbred Pharaohs from Tanis, Egypt.

When you analyze the world today and compare it to the past, its easy to see our matrix is built on the depravity of thousands of years of incestuous insanity. Now it all makes sense.
They'd like you to think things have changed, but they haven't.

The @wef #WEF World Economic Forum is completely controlled by the inbred elite.
#InbredElite #4IR #TransHumanism #AI #Plandemic

The #InbredElite are in total control of the US via the DOJ!
#Plandemic #mRNA #Lockdown #MasksDontWork

The #InbredElite are in total control of the US via one world global government ideology.
@WHO #Plandemic #DigitalID #mRNA

The #InbredElite are in total control of society.
Here, San Francisco local government will pay you $1200/mo if you're non-gender conforming.

#InbredElite bloodlines are in control of #ICBM's capable of traveling 15000 km at hypersonic speed.


#InbredElite control the educational system.
@SDState under fire for ‘kid-friendly’ drag show. Attendees were encouraged to bring money to tip the performers.
President #BarryHDunn gets Plausible Deniability via SDCL 13-53-52 and applicable policy.

See +14
#SDSU President Barry H Dunn "apologized" for the "miscommunication" but left the advertisement and verbiage up on the @SDState website. Its still there today.
Sadly, #GenZ/#GenAlpha embrace this culture due to EDU policies like this.

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