bsky: Profile picture
"in the land of the coins the man who makes it to dubai is king" (often held in The Shadows of Bǟǟn by The Brothren, you may not see me tweet unless you 🔔)

Nov 18, 2022, 15 tweets


The Seven¹ Seals of #TheCryptocalypse
The signs are all around us. Read on below.

Have doubts? At least make sure you know what's actually happening out there.

RT/QT for great justice.
🂇 🂁 🔜 🁡 🁡 🁡

¹ maybe more than 7



I. @GenesisTrading, by far the biggest portal between Wall St. money and the crypto verse and the biggest trading desk handling the off market trading of very large amounts of money for very large amounts of crypto, is going to declare bankruptcy on Monday at 10 A.M.


II. Prosecutors at the Southern District of New York Will Indict Sam Bankman-Fried Very Soon


III. @Gemini, a regulated on-shore American crypto exchange considered “safe”, froze some of its users’ assets.


IV. #Silvergate, one of the biggest crypto friendly banks by assets under management, is about to implode.

$SI #SilvergateBank #CryptoBank


V. #Cryptocom, AKA “The Other Cryptocurrency Company Besides FTX With An Eponymous Football Stadium In A Major American City”, is experiencing a run on the bank that it will probably not survive. #Cryptodotcom


VI. Now Even #Binance, Theoretically Backed By Almost $70 Billion (700,000 houses) of Capital, Is Headed For A #BankRun


VII. Major Crypto Institutions Will Stop Lending To Each Other (If They Have Not Already). Both #CeFi and #DeFi will be affected


VIII. Ontario Teacher’s Pension Fund #OTPP reported to have lost $95 million (950 houses) of retirees’ money in the #FTX debacle



#BlockFi is dead, long live #BlockFi!

The only #CeFi left is #Nexo. Good luck with that.



X. #SBF was the second biggest #Democratic donor in the country. #MitchMcConnell accepted $2.5 million (25 houses) in campaign contributions from #FTX’s #RyanSalame. Other Repubs took another $22.5 million. #Bipartisanship at its finest.



#ElSalvador is headed towards default on its sovereign debt in January 2023.

But who is gonna bet against #TheWorldsCoolestDictator, @nayibbukele?


XII. A Message For Those Who Say “Nobody Could Have Known!” When Asked Why They Sold Their Souls to Psychopaths at a Discount Rate:

You ain't gang.


#TheCryptocalypse is at our doorsteps...

Read the whole thing (there's even more gory details) at Substack and strap yourself in for an historic event in the next couple months...


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