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Nov 19, 2022, 8 tweets

“It’s not my job as a voter to prove voter fraud. It’s the government’s job to prove they’re doing transparent elections I can trust. So none of this even matters. They’re ILLEGAL ELECTIONS!”

#Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud #USelections #Midterms #MidtermElections

11.18.2022 Clark County in Las Vegas, Nevada American Patriot Mindy Robinson speaks regarding the 2022 Election Corruption.

#Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud #Stolen #StolenElections #USelections #Midterms #Midterms2022 #MidtermElections #MidtermElections2022

3. “It’s not my job as a voter to prove voter fraud. It’s the government’s job to prove they’re doing transparent elections I can trust. So none of this even matters. They’re ILLEGAL ELECTIONS!”

11.18.2022 Clark County in Las Vegas, Nevada

#Rigged #ElectionFraud

4. #USelections have become the laughing stock of the world. The #ElectionFraud is through the roof. It is obvious that our votes are not even counted. Not at all. Our votes are invented!

#Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud #Midterms2022 #Midterms #MidtermElection

5. #WakeUpAmerica! The Globalists are stealing your elections!

Slavery is not too far in the future. The globalists agenda is dystopian. Stand up against this rampant corruption!

#USelections #Midterms #Rigged #RiggedElections #ElectionFraud

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