Poor People's Campaign Profile picture
A movement against systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the war economy.

Nov 29, 2022, 18 tweets

A Thread: Atlanta residents and advocates are gathering for a Moral Mass Meeting to lift up the importance of a movement that votes! They are joined by @RevDrBarber & @liztheo, Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.


@RevDrBarber @liztheo 🎵 🎶 Don't you wanna vote?! What's on the ballot is voting rights! #OurVotesAreDemands

@RevDrBarber @liztheo "More than 1 million people that have already voted in this runoff & millions more are casting their ballots for justice, truth & freedom. We will hear from folks this evening who have the power to make their voices heard & to change life and policy better for everyone." @liztheo

@liztheo then references biblical scholarship in her opening. For more info check out this article featured in @Sojourners


#Georgia currently ranks 34th in the quality of child education
65% of fourth graders are not proficient in reading
69% of eighth graders or not proficient in math.
580,000 children live in food insecure households.
Every day children go hungry

Neill Tellier, @GeorgiaPPC

"We must get out the vote! Our lives depend on it!"
Shauna Swearington, @unitehere


"As of right now, we are still homeless. I am here to talk to those mothers that are homeless right now that are in the hotels waiting for someone to knock on the door to give us food for our kids for that day. I'm asking for our children's sake, that we #vote." - Zan Armstrong

"We will not have a sense of peace within our souls, unless all of our residents in Georgia have access to #education, #healthcare, and to an #environment that we can leave to our next generation.

This is who we're also bringing into the voting booth."

-Rabbi Joshua Lesser

"We need the right analysis.
We need the right action."
- @RevDrBarber


"55 years ago today a press release went out announcing that Dr. King had pulled together a meeting on November 27, 1967. A meeting with members of the SCLC and a diverse group of clergy, and announced the poor people's campaign." @RevDrBarber


"The question is how the votes of poor and low-wage people, their allies, and people of faith, will be used in this moment to challenge the politics of the Philistines in modern times." - @RevDrBarber


On the power of policy... #FightPoverty

"There's so many voices who make money off of things staying the way they are. They don't want to tell us we have power!" @RevDrBarber


Poor and low-income voters in #Georgia, BRING THE THUNDER! #OurVotesAreDemands

"Our votes must be thunder." - @RevDrBarber


"I want you all to just look around the room. Be reminded that the number that's in here tonight, that we started with tonight, was more than the first bloody Sunday." - Danyelle Holmes, @UniteThePoor

"This is a sacred moment and a critical moment. Our votes will effect the future of our voting rights, education, women's bodily autonomy, living wages, and also this epidemic of gun violence." - Rev. Mark Thompson


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