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Individual investor and trader.Endurance athlete, avid cyclist, swimmer, runner, and triathlete. #fintwit #macro #oldwallwarrior #5Real Not investment advice

Jan 2, 2023, 14 tweets

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Global Macro Review 🧵

Much will be written about 2022 full-year performance, so let’s take a look at the last 3 months of the year to see if we can discern anything from a price momentum perspective.

(T) = Trend = 3-month price momentum


The $USD -7.86% peaked in September, providing much needed relief for risk assets around the world.

Chart: $USD -2.48% in December sits at critical trend line support with all major trend levels in bearish territory.

A close below 102 opens up 99. Mean revert or die.


After a modest pull-back in November, the $UST10Y resumed its upward trajectory in December, rising +20 bps to 3.88%.

Chart: $UST10Y - If you believe BOTH growth and inflation are slowing, then this thing needs to put in a big lower higher between here and 3.977%.


Metals led commodities higher in Q4:
$SILVER +26.27%
$PLAT +26.05%
$COPPER +11.73%
$GOLD +9.22%

Chart: SILVER +10.38% in December, bolstered by a weak $USD, which is the key to continuation or reversion.


Among hydrocarbons, it was a tale of two gases
$GASO +4.64$
$NATGAS -33.97%
$WTIC +0.97%

Chart: $NATGAS -35.5% in December alone, but still +19.84% YTD with implications for utility rates and industrial production.


Grains were a mixed bag in Q4

$SUGAR +13.22%
$SOYB +11.67%
$CORN +0.15%
$WHEAT -14.05%

Chart: $DBA +0.65% in Q4 reflects a composite of agriculture commodities, which are under control.


$SPX +7.08% outperformed both $IWM +5.72% and $COMPQ -6.77% in Q4.

Chart: $SPX -5.9% in December encountering serious overhead into the new year


Both the $DAX +14.93% and the $CAC +12.35% outperformed the $SPX in Q4

Chart: The $DAX gave back -3.29% in December as Europe surprised to the upside in Q4, even as the #ECB tightened into #recession


After a nasty -48%, 2-year drop, $HSI +14.86% in Q$ led Asia higher with $KOSPI +3.75%, $SSEC +2.14%, and $NIKK +0.61%

Chart: Did $HSI +6.37% in December sniff out the end of #CovidZero?


Among US Sectors only $XLY -9.33% was negative over (T) duration

Outperformance came from:
$XLE +21.45%
$XLI 15.55%
$XLB +14.07%
$XLF +12.65%
$XLV + 12.17%
$XLP +11.72%

Chart: $XLV -0.96% over the 4weeks (t) has held up better than other sectors. Can we get close > 140?


Value outperformed growth by a wide margin
$SPYV +12.76%
$SPYG +1.32%

Chart: $SPYV -3.88% pulled back less than $SPYG -7.59% in December. Looking for a close > 41 to stay long.


Low beta provided 190 bps in beta over high beta

$SPLV +10.5%
$SPHB +8.61%

Chart: $SPLV gave back -1.17% in December compared with $SPHB -8.55%


Momentum is favoring a weaker $USD and firmer yields, commodities, and equities with international indices outperforming $SPX.

Value leads growth by a wide margin and low beta is trumping high beta with energy, industrials, and materials at the top of the board.


Were it not for the massive liquidity drain (Fed balance sheet, TGA, and reverse repo) and the renewed rise in yields, a healthy dose of risk assets might be prescribed.

For now, the market messages are mixed.

A look ahead to Q1 2023 tomorrow.

Cheers! 🍻

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