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Tweets on how to use novel tools, note-taking and AI to accelerate your academic work & productivity. 🇳🇿 @VicUniWgtn, Ecology 👇 Blog & Courses in link below

Jan 2, 2023, 10 tweets

I made a poll in #AcademicTwitter.

❌ More than 80% don't know this tool yet (p < 0.05).

So here is a beginners guide to @authorea,
an online tool to write your papers.

If you haven't heard of it, you will love it.

⬇️ 🎥 🏞️

#AcademicChatter #ScienceTwitter

@authorea @authorea makes writing a paper with multiple authors easy.

No more emailing files back and forth.

Make an account on Authorea . com

• Free for <10 documents
• 10$ / mo for unlimited
• 100$ / mo to publish and get a DOI

Once logged in, hit the + button at the top.

@authorea 2. EDITING

As simple as Word or Google Docs,
with all your academic needs taken care of.

Hit the "insert" button at the top to add:

☑︎ Citations
☑︎ Formulae (Latex)
☑︎ Figures
☑︎ Tables

@authorea 3. CITATIONS

Reference your sources.

Using a reference manager (like Zotero or Mendeley)?
→ Import your papers into Authorea in one go.

Not using a manager?
→ You can search papers by Link, DOI or Title.

🎥 Here's how to do both:

@authorea 4. COLLABORATE

Invite your folks to edit the manuscript with you.

This will put an end to emails with endless doc attachments.

Click on "Manage Collaborators" to invite by email.

🎥 Here is how:

@authorea 5. COMMENTS

Discuss parts of your manuscript in real time.

Highlight text, then click the comment button right of it.

Use "@" just like on Twitter to mention people and automatically notify them by mail.

Resolve a comment, to make it disappear again.

All in real time.

@authorea 6. HISTORY

Look up an older version of the document?

Select "History" from the Document Menu on the top left,
then select the time you want from the list on the right.

Your document will show changes to the current version.

For long papers, this tends to get a bit slow.

@authorea 7. PUBLISH & EXPORT

*Drumroll* 🥁

Export your work, to send to a journal.
(Send my love to Reviewer #2!)

"Export options" allow you to customise how references are exported (Each journal will want a specific format).

@authorea Authorea lives up to the promise: "Google Docs for Academics".

I like it – it simplified my workflow.

✅ Free
✅ No "loose" files & emails
✅ Reference Management
✅ Collaboration
✅ Roll back to previous versions
✅ Latex support
❌Convinces stubborn colleagues (good luck)

@authorea All that's left, is to decide is who will be first author.

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