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#MCTGA | Fluent in Snark, Sarcasm, Bull Sh*t and English | Survivor Of The Great Twitter Purge | 1 Corinthians 4:5 Deuteronomy 17 Acts 17:11

Jan 3, 2023, 215 tweets

This is an updated thread from November 2020
Many Accounts Suspended
H/T to those that are still left:


OTPOR -----> Dominion

Interesting titles, locations, and names below this fellow:

#SrdjaPopović, the leader of the movement that brought down #Milosevic on what #Americans might need to prepare for.

#SrdjaPopovic leading architect of regime changes. Peace Activist Collaborated with #Stratfor and CIA

Screen Capture Nov 2020 Wikipedia
This reads like Antifa

Examples of specific campaigns

Funding Sources

Why did they remove "Civic Youth Organizations"?

European Freemasonry Founds Terrorist Youth Corps
(edited excerpt below taken from Chapter 12 of Scarlet & Beast, Vol. 1)

In the suggested "See Also"

We begin to see the makings of the color revolutionaries

Knock Knock
Who's There?
An NGO who?
Not WHO but OSI!

They cant be related.
This is all by chance?

The connection between Cia, Otpor and Soros

NPR in April 2005 was already making them out to be the good guys

@azizalmutrafi documented this in his thread.
(Reposted here)
#Antifia are affiliates of other leftists' anarchist groups who were funded by #George_Soros trained to topple governments. #Otpor founder Ivan Marovic is the chief of all their tactics.

During the so called Arab Spring, groups of each country were recruited and sent to Serbia to train on how to destabilise their own home. Most of them were oblivious to the real reasons they were used for.
They even share the same logo

Their tactics are meticulously planned,and it's the same everywhere. In the US, Ivan Marovic was the mind behind OccupyWallStreet.

Thank god my country Saudi Arabia were vigilant & discovered their plans to cause chaos as they did in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria.
The Irony, we were criticized by HRW, UN pots and all NGOs funded by Soros, for prosecuting them.The were called "activist", and vilified us.

I Wish you all #US peace and happiness and to come back stronger with a more fare society. What happened to Gorge Floyd is horrible.
But don't let them divide you and destroy you. They're using a valid cause to do so. May God be with you.
Thank you @AzizAlmutrafi

Tune in to NPR to learn how to color! It is revolutionary

Serbia + Dominion = Perfect No Errors Election System

Keep following the fist

2014 Russian & Belarusian military speakers
spelled out in increasing detail how “color revolutions,” foreign-controlled attempts to overthrow governments under the initial cover of democracy promotion, are actually nothing but a new form of aggressive war

Look at these foreign controlled attempts at overthrow.

The US is supposed to be the "PINK" revolution

More documentation, however it is Twitter

Revolutionaries for Hire! Consultants that help you with your revolution.

Since they want to hide behind private tweets.
Threadreader saved it for me 😉


Much of the information in this thread comes from the leaked Stratfor emails. Stratfor is a private intelligence firm which developed a close relationship with CANVAS. They admit that CANVAS is an 'export-a-revolution' group funded by various US imperialist slush funds.

CANVAS has worked in a large number of countries, and was involved in numerous color revolutions and the Arab spring. They focus on the facade of promoting 'democracy' in anti-imperialist countries, and currently are involved heavily in Venezuela

Their funding draws from various state-department sources, and in their list of 'friends', one can find a web of US tools of empire. For instance the Albert Einstein Institute, founded by Gene Sharp, funded by the Natl. Endowment for Democracy, US Institute for Peace, etc. etc.

IREX, who works to bring 'independent media' to countries (read: US propaganda). Funded by the State Department itself, Open Society Foundation, Radio Free Asia, World Bank, Walmart Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc. etc.

Another one of their 'friends' is BAM (Build a Movement) - 'activist' training and secure communication. It turns out this is essentially another wing of CANVAS. Their two leaders are a leader of CANVAS and a former CANVAS intern (Ralph Mimoun's LinkedIn in the last image)

After OTPOR failed to transition into a political party, two of its leaders founded CANVAS. One of the leaders (Sikman) admitted OTPOR recieved CIA funding, and Popovic benefited from a tech startup after OTPOR's success

They're an incredibly effective group, with a non-violent strategy aimed to bring sympathy to demonstrators, and good organizing skills. They've developed networks in various countries such as Iran, using 'progressive' demands, in this case women's rights, to work for imperialism

They especially work with student groups, and were involved with the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan. They envision a new color revolution in Venezuela, which they've named 'the Marigold Revolution'.

CANVAS has trained students and maintains contact with them in Venezuela. Popovic has denied working with Guaidó despite Venezuelan intel discovering this. While I haven't found any hard evidence, I think 1) it's likely and 2) regardless they have a hand in the situation

What pushes me to strongly believe Guaidó was trained, is that the Stratfor email mentions five student leaders, but public reports only list four names. Could they have withheld his name since he was groomed as a future leader?

Regardless, Guaidó was certainly involved with this student movement, whose leaders were trained by CANVAS. What also has CANVAS's fingerprints all over it is how long they waited to strike. CANVAS is very patient and thought protests in 2010 came too soon.

Guaidó's decision to enter Venezuela illegally follow's CANVAS's handbook perfectly. It creates a 'Dilemma Action', where either response by Venezuela's government is exploitable

The handbook is interesting in itself: it follows their own advice on targeting the audience. It's written just like a college textbook, and again much of CANVAS's work is with college students.

Not only do they bring people to Belgrade for training, they do trainings in various US universities and some outside the US. Since many wealthy students in imperialized nations are educated in the US, it gives CANVAS another avenue to reach their targets.

In Belarus...

Thank you
🙏🔥definitely couldn’t get this far with out you! Truly a Blessing

Some more sources no longer with us.

"When we analyze this campaign, the first thing that we must notice is a large amount of resources that was put towards preventing Donald Trump from winning his second term as US President."

Why are all the Dominion people deleting their profiles on LinkedIn AND looks like all their software engineers are in Serbia. Nothing could go wrong 🥴
H/T @almostjingo

This Thread on the Dominion Profiles is 🔥🔥

Images from the tweet above

@srdjan_nogo documents this in a thread from Nov 2020

The next day @srdjan_nogo continues

Too many silenced twitter users.

The EU Puppet was so excited to work with the puppets in cheats

Fractional Voting Software

In 08 this tall tree comes crashing down. Yet it never makes a sound.
H/T @pepesgrandma

Cant wait to be able to add these back in


Thank you for the figures

Images from Above

thank you for the screen grab
Look first sentence.... Belgrade

Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) and the Author who created Scorecard in the Serbian team for DVS.
H/T @jessiprincey Adding her entire thread in to this one.

1. Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) and the Author who created Scorecard in the Serbian team for DVS.
We all know that this election was stolen. Over the last couple days people have been talking a lot about DVS, recently...

2. I was researching companies to see how many IT people they employ in US vs overseas, and I found a feature which lets me search LinkedIn by region, so I thought I would apply the same to DVS and see if we can contact any developers in Serbia to get them to flip on DVS.

3. How does that happen? It happens when you used to have the experience linked but it's since been removed. LinkedIn Caches those employee employer relationships so you stay listed under their company even though you've removed the experience.

That got me wondering WHY would someone want to remove their relationship with the company... only answer is to cover something up. So I started to research each one.
Here is the screenshot of the DVS Employees on LinkedIn:

5. You can see on this screen shot that I am hovering over Aleksandar Lazarevic and that the link to his profile is showing in the bottom left of the screen. The url being: ( linkedin.com/in/aleksandarl… )

6. Note the handle ending in 777, that will come into play later.
In researching this developer I discover this person wrote the book on how to do algorithmic boosting of datasets over time. The Official name for it is SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique),

7. This is very high level technical, here is excerpt: "This paper presents a novel approach for learning from imbalanced data sets, based on a combination of the SMOTE algorithm and the boosting procedure.

8. This is very high level technical, here is excerpt: "This paper presents a novel approach for learning from imbalanced data sets, based on a combination of the SMOTE algorithm and the boosting procedure.

9. SMOTEBoost applied to several highly and moderately imbalanced data sets shows improvement in prediction performance on the minority class and overall improved F-values."

10. Layman Description: An adjustment will be made based on the top data point to keep the bottom data point on track to balance, or Tie. Now apply that idea to tabulating votes.

11.When someone views your profile on LinkedIn, you are usually sent an email, especially if you haven't logged on in a long time, that someone is viewing your profile, you probably have seen these. 20 minutes after viewing Aleksandars profile, the profile has been wiped clean.

12. Not that I don't have access to it, it's permanently deleted.
Proof that it did exist at some point:

13. Note the handle ends in 777 just as above, and this page was indexed in DuckDuckGo's search results. Proof this profile did exist.

14. Note the handle ends in 777 just as above, and this page was indexed in DuckDuckGo's search results. Proof this profile did exist. and then ran it through a reverse image look up to find that this picture doesn't exist on the internet.

15. In the paper attached and linked, in the acknowledgment section, it thanks the US Department of Energy as well as other things and a "We also thank Philip Kegelmeyer for his very useful comments". So now it was time to look into who this man is.

16. Search for him and his profile says: "Philip Kegelmeyer (E.E. Ph.D, Stanford) is a Senior Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, CA. His current interests are machine learning and graph algorithms, especially as applied to ugly, obdurate, real-world data...

17. which is, perhaps deliberately, actively resistant to analysis. That sure sounds like changing data that can't be detected. At this point I knew I found something big.

18. I decided to search again on LinkedIn for Aleksandar, and low and behold there was a profile of the same name, completely different picture, completely different profile but stunningly relevant background and work experience.

19. He's extremely advanced and is considered a Google Scholar in this world.
Aleksandar's "professional" profile is:
Wiki Page:

20. Notice how there is no mention of Dominion Voting Systems in his work experience. If he was indeed hired for positive reasons, why would he not have this listed on his profile?
At this point I am 100% convinced that this is the man behind Scorecard.

21. Looking through his papers and experiences and talks he's a super accomplished Big Data, distributed systems expert, his works is even cited in CISCO patents

22. If you read this Patent, it's a tough read it's a concept of connected close range machines being taught to correct nodes slowly over time by a trainer node. Perhaps Election Machines???

23. More of his research: researchgate.net/scientific-con… - All read like tech that would use to change data predictably.

24. Now I had to go hunting for data that will tie this man, to that profile on LinkedIn that is listed under DVS to prove the connection. I found an old paper he wrote about more high end tech concepts.

25. Notice the email addressed used to contact him, the exact same handle he had listed under DVS, Now it's confirmed this is the same person.

26. So why does this man have 2 profiles, why did the profile associated to DVS get deleted once they were alerted to be seeing it, and why doesn't his professional profile have any note of working.

27. If I were going to steal elections I would not want people capable of doing so associated with the company who counts votes...

By now, I hope you think I'm on to something, and that you will find a way to link this man to democrats or Soros, or flat our ask him about it, the rest I'm about to share is nothing I can confirm, just some really weird coincidence that may be true.

29. Doing Deep searches about this man I came across an article written on a blogspot blog from someone named "Lame Cherry", This person continually blogs about what appears to be deep state Intel & CIA level stuff. Again I have no clue who this is, & it reads like crackpot stuff

30. “part of me is most interested in the Serbian Dominion Software along with Scorecard in the codex. This software was really acting like the artificial intelligence was having a software breakdown. It was like an autopilot flying a plane into a stall"

31. "So Guciffer was from the Balkans. Joe Biden was in the Balkans. The Kushners were in the Balkans and the information flow continued to submarine the sickly Hillary Clinton... lamecherry.blogspot.com/2020/11/biden-…

32. The mission or missions were successful to bring down Hamrod. That is why when I noted a data miner mentioning Domnion software out of Canada was in Serbia, and looking for programmers, I knew this lot was returning to the scene of the crime.

33. Dominion is in Canada, is owned by British MI6, tied to George Soros, and was flipping votes by the millions for Joe Biden..."

Back to Aleksandar's LinkedIn Profile description ( "I have successfully created and led new and innovative ways to sift through billions of data records and discover those hidden insights that would drive change and make significant business impact."

35. Sounds like the exact same person described above, If this "Lame Cherry" is not a crackpot. Aleksandar Lazarevic is Guccifer 2.0 and seems to have the tech chops to be believable.

36. If that is true, then what was he doing with that LinkedIn Profile? The first Lame Cherry ties it all together, 4 years ago, he was in Serbia recruiting developers for DVS and Scorecard...

37. and needed a front to contact developers without giving away who he was, but had to be associated with the actual company so he could recruit real people. Once he assembled his team, he forgot to get rid of the fake recruiter account.

38. Latest Update: All Serbian Developers have removed their LinkedIn Profiles Vukašin Đorđević Nemanja Jelisijevic & Ivan Ćojbašić -

End of @jessiprincey thread. Thank you!

Defense Technical Information Center seems to know how to color within the lines, too!

Follow the fist as it works its way around the globe

@acasterf53 documents some more OTPOR and CANVAS

Who is organizing the overthrow of DJT?
OTPOR - CNAVAS, registered in Serbia was founded by representatives of the "deep state" and billionaires like Soros, otherwise his ideologues, creators and financiers.

CANVAS and Srdja Popović are involved in organization of protests against Donald Tramp, elect president of the USA. If we wish to develop better relations with newly elected administration in America, we have to ban operation of the globalist venturers who, in this way,

jeopardize national security of the Republic of Serbia.
CANVAS trained activists from about 50 countries who were the protagonists, among other things, of the so called colour revolutions in Ukraine,Georgia,Egypt, Tunisia, as well as of the unsuccessfully attempted revolutions in

jeopardize national security of the Republic of Serbia.
CANVAS trained activists from about 50 countries who were the protagonists, among other things, of the so called colour revolutions in Ukraine,Georgia,Egypt, Tunisia, as well as of the unsuccessfully attempted revolutions in

what kind of training it is that lasts one month at the Faculty of the Political Sciences and is attended by the citizens of Egypt, PR of China and other countries where CANVAS has performed subversive activities?CANVAS has been designated as a terrorist organisation side by side

with Islamic Republic and Al-Qaeda by the UAE government (see more at: List of groups designated terrorist organisations by the UAE). Popović has expanded the network of his organization to over 50 countries and they are directly responsible for changing numerous legitimate

regimes all over the world and expansion of globalist chaos. They who have made miserable tens of millions of people should be accountable for it. magacinportal.com/2020/02/srdjan…

This is why DJT is right when he declared Antifa a terrorist organization

from OTPOR is negotiating for Kosovo!! A"good"ex.: G. Soros made money in every country. In Kosovo, invested $150m in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex cont.

Breaking up Yug was also wanted to expand NATO / U.S. bases, & they have privatized many of the things there. Key warmongers, such as Madeleine Albright were involved in the privatizing of Kosovo's telecom, George Soros plotted on the Trepca mines, etc., practice for NATO, etc.

Do you gentlemen work for Soros?Are you gentlemen helping Soros to steal the property of the citizens of Serbia?On September 4, it will be known whether you are for globalists or sovereignists.

Declass Sea Eye Aye in Syria since 1983

2015 Trash Revolution

Thinking that these 3 letter agencies might be what
Sidney Powell is referring to

Frances Abouzeid, director of Freedom House in Ammam (Jordan) and on her advice invited CANVAS trainers to Beirut

H/T @yukou_takahashi
Result of checking the DNS information of

It turns out that there are servers in [China], [Hong Kong] and [Germany]

Wasn't it just scytl?

I would like to proceed with the follow-up survey carefully because it is interesting

Lets go back to this tweets:

Why Clinton Foundations' Warren Flood spinning this guccifer 2.0? clintonfoundationtimeline.com/tags/warren-fl…

But when we look to the EU we see that CANVAS in 2017 is still working hard.

Presentation by Sinisa Sikman of CANVAS at ECF Europe 2017. ECF Europe brings together activists and fundraisers from across the non-profit sector in Europe for two days of learning and exchange in Berlin. europe.ecampaigningforum.com

Some quality bed time stories for the Marxist in your life

Follow the fist

Color Revolution Victory

"Our next big mission... explain to the world what a powerful tool nonviolent struggle is when it comes to achieving freedom, democracy and human rights."

Examine these pillars. Think about what each means and how we are both playing this game.

If you watched Trump attorneys newser yesterday, you saw Sidney Powell say they had 'one very strong witness' who explained how the alleged Dominion-Smartmatic vote-changing operation worked. His 'stunning, detailed' affidavit was attached to Lin Wood lawsuit. From Powell:

Most people probably haven't had a chance to read the affidavit, so I'm going to post the whole thing--just eight pages, including a bunch of unexplained redactions.. You can read for yourself. The first two pages: 2/6

"I have yet to find a CIA & US State Department regime change or Color Revolution in which the “democracy-building” foundations of Soros were not in with the Washington & CIA agenda. "

Inspired by the recent topic #BillClintonIsAPedo, I would like to share with world the truth behind the Serbian province #Kosovo, today a partially-recognized state, yet protected by 1244 UN resolution and the constitution of Serbia.

Stay with me until the end 👇

This story includes some of
the crimes against humanity done by KLA, #ClintonCrimeFamily and its administration, as well as the crimes of a #deepstate members who're still, 2 decades after, holding all the strings in the Balkan region, including #Serbia.

#BillClintonIsAPedo 👇

There was very well organized mass propaganda brought to you by the mainstream media which aim was demonization of Serbs in order to justify the #NATObombing.

The truth was completely different 👇

1. pri.org/stories/2011-0…

Between June 1999 and March 2004. around 155 #SerbianOrthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed by Albanians.

Do you see similarities with recent events in the USA and around the world where #Antifa terrorists used to burn and destroy cities?


Never mind the legal technicalities, and the risks of adjudication: just go in there and grab it!

Why Kosovo? Follow the money! 👇

1. antiwar.com/justin/j081600…
2. abouthungary.hu/blog/the-grave…
3. adarapress.com/2020/04/27/bil…
4. amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

Unfortunately, #KosovoiMetohija is not the only sanctity that has been taken from Serbia in the past 2 decades.

Besides #humanorgantrafficking done in a collaboration between Albanian #KLAfighters and #ClintonCrimeFamily, there were thousands of cases of missing children...

Did you know that Mother Teresa was Albanian.

Thaci, head of KLA and his government have another #ClintonCrimeFamily connection. In 2012, #Kosovo signed a $50,000-a-month lobbying contract with #ThePodestaGroup, a lobbying firm co-founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta!

KLA terrorists, main partner of the #ClintonCrimeFamily, made its military debut in Feb 1996 with the bombing of several camps housing #Serbianrefugees from wars in #Croatia and #Bosnia 👇👇👇

"Perhaps Clinton, Albright and Clark found time to tour one of the five ISIS training camps in #Kosovo, providing instruction to scores of ethnic Albanian children in the fine art of Islamicterrorism on behalf of the global elites"

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