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"in the land of the coins the man who makes it to dubai is king" (often held in The Shadows of Bǟǟn by The Brothren, you may not see me tweet unless you 🔔)

Jan 17, 2023, 14 tweets

that 15,427 page #GK8 document filled with #CelsiusNetwork's creditors personal detail is quite an amazing document.
i have so many questions, but let's start with:

1. Why are there an enormous numbers of creditors in countries GK8/Celsius aren't supposed to do business with?

Corporate entities in the #CelsiusNetwork / #GK8 / #GK8Limited bankruptcy, pt. II. Noticed:

➤ Ernst & Young (maybe?)
#KPMG (#Wirecard's dad)
@TheBlock__ ("journalism")

@AABerwick @kadhim @Frances_Coppola

👆These are the creditors who were serviced via first class mail. Not sure if that's because they are corporations or because they were holding a certain amount of assets on #CelsiusNetwork/#GK8 when it blowed up.

Debtors + last 4 of EIN/TIN:

➤Celsius Network LLC (2148)
➤Celsius KeyFi LLC (4414)
➤Celsius Lending LLC (8417)
➤Celsius Mining LLC (1387)
➤Celsius Network Inc. (1219)
➤Celsius Network Limited (0143)
➤Celsius Networks Lending LLC (3390)
➤Celsius US Holding LLC (7956)

EIN/TIN/Tax ID numbers for:

#Gk8Ltd. (note the period)

#CelsiusNetwork / #GK8 creditor corporations who were served by email, not real mail. maybe because they don't have one on file? maybe bc it's a small amount? might or might not be sus.

#Amdex (isn't this also a custody biz)

#CelsiusNetwork/#GK8 creditors, continued: #MatteoZhou seems like a really, really popular name in Italy. Also impressed that they manage to pack so many Matteo Zhous into just 3-5 buildings. small guys or big houses I guess.
@DanielFCelsius @ahcastor @bitfinexed @MikeBurgersburg

🧵#CeliusNetwork/#GK8 creditors list, back to Question 1 about sanctions violations... I counted some addresses and was kinda 😱:

➤ 150¹ ISRAEL
➤ 90¹ CHINA
➤ 26 MALTA

¹ (ish)

🧵If we filter the LIMITEDs we can strip out individuals and find a couple more interesting #Celsius/#GK8 creditors:

#Tether (twice)
#TiantianKullander (@ambergroup_io's dead CEO)
#Invictus (@Invcryptogroup - defi rug?)
#BabelHoldings (@BabelFinance?)

@ambergroup_io @invcryptogroup @BabelFinance 🧵Other #CelsiusNetwork/#Celsius/#GK8 creditors I just spotted:

#Huobi (explains a lot)
@Auros_global (bankrupt #DeFi w/links to @maplefinance)
#Matrixport (major Asian #CeFi who suddenly don't honor $USDT on #Tron chain)

🧵#Huobi, #Matrixport, @Auros_Global, #Tether, @FalconXNetwork, @TheBlock__...

seems like all the bros who have been showing signs of financial distress (Huobi), signs of possibly being murdered (#TiantianKullander), or signs of both (#AmberGroup) is owed money by #Celsius.


🧵 Oh look I just spotted "Evolve Wealth Limited".
Any connection to Evolve Bank & Trust (@getevolved1925) AKA #FTX's bank with one of the more "interesting" approaches to KYC/AML compliance? (hint: they don't really do it)
#FTXScam #SBF #EvolveBank @BennettTomlin @CasPiancey

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