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The #1 IndieGameDev Interview Podcast, Probably. https://t.co/RWApPn0BtD Hosted by: Stephen Fontana (@batchild27) & Andy Asimakis (@PantsGuy)

Jan 20, 2023, 8 tweets


We played a LOT of games in 2022. And fell in love with a lot of them as well. Now while they all can't get #GOTY, we can give out a bunch of silly awards to show these games just how much they mean to us.




Our 'The Bob Barker Award' goes to none other than @rednexusgames for Peglin!

"This game lets me live out my Plinko dreams and does fun things to my brain."

Congrats @DylanGedig! We gotta bring you back on the show again real soon.

#peglin #plinko #indiedev #indiegames


Our 'The Best RPG That None Of Us Talked About Award' goes to @ChainedEchoes!

@arkheiral is our hero. We didn't talk about your amazing game at all in 2022. Let's fix that. We have a cozy spot waiting for you on our podcast.

#rpg #pixelart #indiedev #indiegames


The 'I Didn’t Know I Missed You So Much Award' goes to our boy, @Kaothekangaroo.

What an awesome comeback. Now do Croc next, @TateMultimedia.

@BackKao #3dplatformer #indiedev


The 'Best Game I Only Played The Demo Of Award' goes to @PlayNostalgaia!

"It’s a souls-like. It’s a nostalgia-trip. It’s funny as fuck. The Last Hero of Nostalgaia has it all."

Congrats @OverTheMoonGms & @Coatsink. We have to get your ass on the show.

#soulslike #retro


Our 'This Is Gross And You Should Play It Award' goes to #ForgivemeFather! Congrats, @ByteBarrel!

Listen. We have a boomer shooter problem. Forgive Me Father is a dope FPS with creepy double-head people. Need we say more?

#boomershooter #FPS


The 'I Can Play Chess Award' goes to @PUNKCAKE_delice for #ShotgunKing!

"It's a lot like playing chess with a nine-year old that just makes up the rules as you go along, and I love it. It’s the most creative roguelike I’ve played. Period."

#roguelike #chess

What were some of your favorite #indiegames of 2022? What do you think will be your favorite indie games of 2023?!

Let us know and as always...PLEASE be excellent to each other, and go play some indies!


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