Kit Klarenberg 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Profile picture
"Dangerous individual". Half of @ActiveMeasures8. Tipoffs/leaks/hatemail: Baksheesh:

Jan 30, 2023, 7 tweets

💥💥My latest: British Psychological Warfare Threatens Balkan Conflict💥💥

#MI6 #BritishIntelligence #Bosnia #RepublikaSprska #Yugoslavia #Serbia #Balkans #BalkanWar…

In 2020, in total secret, British intelligence ran a secret psychological warfare campaign to sell extremely harsh #COVID19 lockdown restrictions to a sceptical Bosnian public. The Embassy in #Sarajevo used local PR firms, and FCO contractor Albany for the purpose.

Albany is a veteran of British psychological warfare operations the world over, most notoriously in Syria, where it set up fake opposition media assets and provided "communications support" to violent armed groups, in order to circulate pro-regime change propaganda globally.

Britain's approach to selling lockdown at home was to increase "the perceived level of personal threat" among the public. It informed Sarajevo's COVID19 propaganda blitz too. Since then, one of the behavioural scientists behind this push has expressed significant regrets.

This is important to bear in mind, as since the pandemic 'ended', fears of Russian intervention in Bosnia have been ramped up significantly - often by British institutions. Accordingly, British soldiers - including psyops experts - have flooded Sarajevo.

Two months after they arrived, Britain's ambassador to BiH met with the head of Sarajevo's powerful Intelligence and Security Agency, who declared "current security circumstances" in the Balkans meant "cooperation" with his British counterparts needed to be "intensified".

All along, tensions have been rising between Republika Srpska and the rest of BiH, and the threat of secession has only increased. If that happens, it's not Russian, but British, troops stations throughout the country. Which was surely the plan all along...

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