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Feb 2, 2023, 12 tweets

Who really beat the #Nazis?

75–80% of casualties the Wehrmacht happened against the #RedArmy
The EASTERN front saw 4 of the 5 BIGGEST battles in the entire HUMAN history:

1. Siege of Leningrad
2. Battle of Stalingrad
3. Siege of Baghdad*
4. Battle of Berlin
5. Battle of Kiev

One example:
In Kursk, the #RedArmy defeated a #Nazi force of almost 1 MILLION men, 2,928 tanks and 2,110 aircraft

D-Day was a MINOR operation by comparison:
In Normandy, the Allies only faced 50,000 Axis men, including reservists and teenagers, with NO tanks and NO aircraft

WHY there were only 50,000 #Nazis in Normandy?
Why even reservists and teenagers were fighting the allies?
Because by 1944, the war was ALREADY OVER, the best of the best of the REMAINING #Nazi army was in Russia, TRYING to stop the operation #Bagration of the #RedArmy

Just check the dates:

- Stalingrad, Feb 1943- German 6th Army capitulates
- Kursk, Aug 1943- #Nazis lost the largest tank battle in history
- Bagration, Jun 1944- Biggest defeat in German military history (28 of 34 #Nazi divisions destroyed)
- Normandy landings, Jun 1944 🤡

And please stop the "Lend-Lease" myth:

David Glantz/Mark Harrison:
"Lend-Lease did NOT arrive in sufficient quantities to make a difference" (less than 5% of the needs)
"Result would have been the same, except that the RedArmy won't have stopped until reaching France beaches"

J. House, T. Davies, A. Hill and many other historians agree:

C. Hamilton:
"The vast majority of LEND-LEASE arrived AFTER the #RedArmy had won the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk. By the time the 1st Sherman was put into action, the #Nazi army was already defeated"

So, why most western people is NOT aware that the #RedAmy was the force that beat the #Nazis?

Easy answer: PROPAGANDA

- By 1945 most people in France thought that the #RedArmy deserved the most credit for the Nazi defeat
- But by 2004, the French had changed their minds


Yes, Hollywood is pretty good.

Plus, the #RedArmy not only fought against Germany

Thousands of soldiers from France, Spain, Romania, Finland, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Belgium, etc, took part in the invasion of the USSR
"Hitler made the original NATO" (@FOL_Liberation)

What was the key to the #Nazi defeat?
What no other country did: The GREAT Evacuation
The biggest logistical operation in the human history
Thousands of industries and millions of civilians (including Jews) were saved, moving them out of the reach of the Wehrmacht.

In fact, when the Wehrmacht reached Moscow, #Hitler already knew that HE WAS FCKD!

"My Generals understand war, but no economics"

The new Urals factories were ready
The URSS were even ready to lose Moscow (Kuybyshev was chosen to be the alternative capital)
The only....

The only remaining chance was Fall Blau
The only remaining chance was taking the Caucasus oil fields, cutting the energy of the Ural factories, and re-supplying the German fuel stock

Left. #Nazi offensive in the summer, 1942
Right. Russian counter-offensive, winter 1942/43

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