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Feb 10, 2023, 8 tweets

☀️Pricing the new Gold - #Lithium
1. Lithium is not a new discovery, but its applications are. Scientists first discovered lithium as an element in 1817, but it was not until the 1970s that studies into lithium-ion batteries began.

3. Lithium Demand and Supply
#USA #EU #CHINA #INDIA #ASIA #LithiumInIndia

4. Lithium production trend forecast
#USA #EU #CHINA #INDIA #ASIA #LithiumInIndia

5. Lithium Pricing trends
#USA #EU #CHINA #INDIA #ASIA #LithiumInIndia

6. Pricing Standard for Lithium -
Benchmark Minerals’ Lithium Price Assessment the world’s most trusted source of lithium price data, regularly referenced in negotiations and increasingly used in supply chain contracts.

Benchmark Minerals publishes 6 lithium carbonate (Li2CO3), 4 lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and 1 spodumene concentrate price.

7. In addition, Benchmark derives global average prices for both lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide as well as a lithium chemical index, weighted by volumes traded on the market.

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