Boguś WoeMan Pronouns ooh/err/missus #BLM 🌊🌻🇺🇦 Profile picture
Satirising anti-social media & parodying legacy news All views my own not those of my social media provider Or maybe not even my own All usual caveats apply!

Feb 25, 2023, 16 tweets

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto That's the most brilliant evidence-based fact-filled logically-constructed fully-developed well-reasoned beautifully presented counter-arg...

Oh, wait..!😲😱🤦‍♂️😂🤣🤣

Why have you called to tell me that dressed in your "Democrat" militant-wing robes

Was it because you didn't...

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto Why have you called to tell me that dressed in your "#Democrat" militant-wing robes?

Was it because you didn't read what I said

And had a #HystericalOvaryAction

To #VirtueSignal to your "#Progressive" Bubble in a "#Liberal" Silo in a Lefty Village on a "Democrat" Plantation!🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto If you'd bothered to read what I Tweeted I was DEFENDING Black people🤦‍♂️

Oh wait😲

What #Triggered you was that I was defending them against #VirtueSignalling racists & bigots like you in the "#Democrat" Party who want to keep your Black brethren down on the #DemocratPlantation!

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto You #VirtueSignal "#Progressive" #PostModernist #NoSuchThingAsTruth #OppressionGrievanceAndVictimhoodStudies "#Liberal" #BLM #BHM #CRT #Wokery to try to disguise the fact it's the so-called self-styled "#Democrats" are the racist bigots trying to keep Blacks on Plantation!😲😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto If you're running short of "liberal" arguments here's a few

Triggered Blue Pilled Sheeple Purple-Haired Coloring Book Infantilized Bubble-Dweller Participation Trophied Entitled Millennial PC Regressive phobic Safe-Space seeking SJW Social Justice Warrior White Knight Snowflake

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto Yup

You and your bigoted racist kind are the ermmm oh yes the bigoted racists

Trying to deflect from that by projecting your bigotry and racism & militant-wing foot-soldiers #KKK onto any real democrat, real liberal, or real anti-racism who outs you for what you are

You racist

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto BTW "Fact-Checkers" can't say for sure (without seeing Wilkes Booth's original ballot or a sworn affidavit) that this very highly committed & motivated anti-Republican pro-slavery White-supremacist definitely voted for the anti-Republican pro-slavery White-supremacist "Democrats"

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto The "#Democrats" aren't going to give the ordinary "Democrat" voters the education they need to overthrow the "#Democrat" elite

Especially not the Black voters

They need & want to keep down on the #DemocratPlantation!

For the Black community's own benefit, you understand😲😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto There's a reason "#Democrat" voters are called "#DumboCrats"😲

At least their Black voters have the excuse that they were brainwashed by the "liberal" teachers of the US "education" system!😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto There's a reason "#Democrat" voters are called "#DumboCrats"😲

At least their Black voters have the excuse that they were brainwashed by the "liberal" teachers of the US "education" system!😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto There's a reason "#Democrat" voters are called "#DumboCrats"😲

At least their Black voters have the excuse that they were brainwashed by the "liberal" teachers of the US "education" system!😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto O-KKK So youthink *#I_M* in the #KKK

I'm not even in the US!😱🤦‍♂️

Meanwhile you seem to be a typical #Dumbocrat who doesn't even realise the KKK is a #DEMOCRAT organisation

One of their many militant wings of street-thugs

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto You seem to be a typical #Dumbocrat who doesn't even realise the KKK is a #DEMOCRAT organisation

One of their many militant wings of street-thugs

Yet Obama gave the Eulogy at #RobertByrd's funeral😲😱

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto Here's some mor on #Obama #Biden & #Clintons Eulogising #RobertByrd!😲

Oh and #Eugenics and #Euthanasia!!!😱🤦‍♂️

@FedUpHumanKS @richard22171773 @TommyIgoe @Logan_benson3 @ChuckCallesto Here's some of your Black brethren who saw through your "#Liberal" "#Democrat" #KKK #RaceBaiting tricks to keep Blacks on the #DemocratPlantation


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