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⚽️📊🧤 Head of Data Science @goalkeeper_com - University of Cambridge Astronomy PhD graduate - Data featured in @TheAthleticFC & @SkySportsPL

Feb 28, 2023, 5 tweets

Despite #NUFC’s loss to #MUFC #Karius showed that he is more than capable of playing at the top level!

Our model at #GKxG found his shot stopping was worth 0.22 goals more to #Newcastle than if they had an average #PremierLeague GK in goal

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#Karius made 8 saves vs #MUFC, but GKing is about quality not quantity!

5 of the saves had xSave>99% thus #PremierLeague GKs save them every time!

The 2 interesting & difficult saves were the 1v1 vs #Bruno & #Weghorst’s long range shot! Which beat #PL GKs 41% & 29% of the time!

It was these saves whose difficulty outweighed the 2 goals #Karius conceded meaning #Karius saved an above expected amount of shots in the #LeagueCupFinal

#Karius could do nothing with the #Casemiro goal (xSave probability<5%) but the #Rashford goal was a little more interesting

Our model at finds this shot is expected to beat a Premier League goalkeeper 41% of the time.

Thus, it’s not an error but is saveable.

#Karius’ timing and weight distribution were the major areas the German would change if he could replay the situation

Crucially, while we can dissect the details of the deflected goal #Karius made 2 big saves meaning that over the course of the game he was still a net positive for #NUFC

We should never abandon a player based on 1 #UCL game!

#Karius still has the skills to play at the top level

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