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Occultist Exposing the Hidden Hand of Government, Religious and Corporate Control / Astrologer - Publisher - Researcher #T3OccultAstrology #T3Edit

Mar 5, 2023, 10 tweets

🛡️#T3 - #QAnon Makes a Comeback
#dont March 4th, 2023 at #CPAC
Remember in Q Post 111 when he said:
"POTUS is our Savior"?🤣
Hey QAnon, go fuck yourselves, you're pathetic!
"that #BeautifulShot"🤣
Q born from Soviet #ProjectLakhta

Here's how team Q gets you committed to the program.
You suckers fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Here's #QAnon #RedPillRecruiting for Women.

Here's #QAnon #RedPillRecruiting for Your Wife.

Putin admits Soviet #ProjectLakhta

Alex Jones was an essential element in the preplanned #QAnon movement.

Retired, Disgraced, Army General Mike Flynn coins the term #DigitalSoldier - #QAnon

Here's the pathetic fool #QAnon #MAGA #QMAGA venerates. At minimum, #dont is an accomplice to 10s of thousands of counts of manslaughter.

Here's Pfizer CEO @AlbertBourla telling you straight up that the #mRNA vaccine never produced one successful product. It never worked and #dont just told you otherwise in the video above.

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