Michael Mo Profile picture
Konishi Scholar in East Asian Studies @UniofNewcastle| MRes @POLISatLeeds| LLM Human Rights @HKULaw| Ex-#HongKong district councillor| Ex-campaigner @amnestyhk

Mar 23, 2023, 6 tweets

#HongKong pro-democracy veteran Albert Ho has been arrested again and had his court bail ceased. Several media reported that he may contact Andrew Chiu's family in an attempt to send a message to the defendant-turn-witness in #NSL47 case.
Chiu has always been controversial...

1/ You may probably know him b/c of this incident happened in Taikoo at the height of #antielab protest back in 2019.

People outside the core of #HongKong politics may sympathise with him and give subsequent recognition.

That's not quite the case for those in the field.

2/ Chiu was well-known for 2 things among people in #HongKong politics. 1) His questionable doctoral degree & 2) His biz dealings w/ pro-#Peking politicians.

His honourary degree is awarded by SABI university, a known diploma mill. Still, he insisted on his doctoral title.

3/ He had been involved in arbitration and meditation biz and knowingly w/ involvement with pro-#Peking politicians like Anna Tang of DAB.

He was VP of #HongKong Mediation Centre, co-founded by HK rep of Central People's Congress Sylvia Siu & pro-Peking lawyer Maurice Lee.

4/ Another point that raised eyebrows is his recognition of the mediator and arbitrator role in #Shenzhen.

Of course, one can argue that the accreditation is a regional mutual recognition. He got the same status as a recognised mediator in #Taiwan as well

5/ Reaching across the aisle is respectable, but owning biz w/ your political opponents seems too far. Esp. when you're hosting an election coordinating body, getting too close with agents of the enemy makes people judge him.

Ho's arrest may show his true colours? /END

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