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I'm an independent, free-thinking journalist from Armenia who focuses on the problems of the South Caucasus. You can support me:

Mar 25, 2023, 7 tweets

1/7 #Azerbaijan talking about the integration of #NagornoKarabakh continues terrorist acts agnst #Armenians. In the previous days the #Azerbaijani forces opened fire at the people carrying out pruning work in the vineyards of #Machkalashen community, MartunI region, NK. #Armenia

2/7 There are no casualties. Agricultural works have been stopped. The villagers told Azatutyun r/s that the Azerbaijanis were not deterred by the presence of Russian "peacekeepers". The Russians were present in the vineyards, but 🇦🇿 fired from large-caliber machine guns.

3/7 Three days ago, Azerbaijan fired shots at people working in the vineyards of #Chartar in the #Martuni region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Agricultural works have not yet resumed in a part of the vineyards of Chartar.

The armed forces of Azerbaijan are hundreds of meters away.

4/7 #Khramort of Askeran reg is also the target of #Azerbaijanis from time to time. Even at the end of last year, one of the villagers was injured by shots. Head of Khramort, told Azatutyun: "Tractor drivers do not risk entering the field, they are afraid that they might be shot"

5/7 Head #Khramort: "The reason is that the tractor was shot while the Russian peacekeeper was standing there."

If #Azerbaijan really aimed to guarantee the security and rights of the Armenians of Nagorno-#Karabakh, why should it terrorize the civilians?

6/7 #Aliyev conducts a policy of ethnic cleansing every day, so that the #Armenians of NK are afraid, leave their historical homeland.

If the West wants to prevent the repetition of #Bucha, other tragic murders in #Ukraine, a demilitarized zone must be created around #Karabakh.

7/7 And the Russian "peacekeepers" should be replaced by international forces.

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