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Mar 28, 2023, 17 tweets

#GlobalPamphlet | Do you know that 53 people are killed daily by a firearm in the US?

Read this #thread to know how the superpower has been suffering from gun violence!


The #UnitedStates, with its army, adores bringing peace and democracy to every nook and corner of the globe but its own home is saddled with bullets and blood.


In a recent incident at a Tennessee school in #Nashville, a transgender ex-student shot dead 3 children and 3 adult staffers!

Credit: @SkyNews


The assailant, who reportedly identifies himself as transgender, was heavily armed with a semi-automatic rifle and 2 handguns.


Incidents of mass shootings in educational institutions have become common in the US for some years now.


#Michigan State University Shooting: a 43-year-old killed 3 students while injuring 5 others.


University of #Virginia Shooting: 22-year-old student shoots 3 football team members of his Univ. while injuring 2 others.


The US has recorded 376 school shootings since 1999 with 46 being reported last year!

If this is the condition of schools, just imagine the situation on streets, homes or public places!


Below is a video from St. Louis of a man casually loading a gun and killing a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk in broad daylight!

In other countries, it is termed an utter breakdown of law!


According to the Gun Violence Archive’s Real-time US gun violence data, as of 27 March, 4194 deaths were reported in 2023!


The mass shooting incidents, while sometimes random in nature, have also been related to racial and cultural enmity.

An incident which exposed US gun violence to global community was the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting.


2017 Las Vegas Shooting: In what is known as the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in US history — a 64-year-old man opened fire from his hotel suite on a crowd attending a music festival.


After firing more than 1,000 rounds, the convict killed 60 people while injuring hundreds!


In June 2022, US President @JoeBiden signed the first significant gun safety legislation to be voted in decades into law, although the data shows that it has been ineffective!


The US government, which never fails to assess crime and the religious freedom of other sovereign nations in its annual reports, has constantly failed to control rampant gun violence at home.


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#GlobalPamphlet will be delve more on the issue in upcoming threads.

Twitter thread: @Yashfacts28

Also read the article by @Yashfacts28 on our website!…

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