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Apr 1, 2023, 11 tweets

🦠1,483,797 People are currently predicted to have symptomatic COVID in the UK; from @Join_ZOE Health Study reports.
Updated 1 April, 5am.
@ONS should still be providing its weekly reports, without an 'early warning' system, we are unprepared for what lies ahead.

#COVID reinfection can be problematic: doi.org/10.1038/s41591… @NatureMedicine 'Each subsequent COVID infection increases risk of developing chronic health issues like diabetes, and organ failure...' @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan @AmerMedicalAssn @tweetrambod

'Study of 5,819,264 people, [443,588 with a first infection, 40,947 with reinfection...] compared to those with no reinfection, those who had reinfection exhibited increased risks of all-cause mortality, hospitalization & several prespecified outcomes'. @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan

'The [study] findings highlight the clinical consequences of reinfection and emphasize the importance of preventing reinfection by #SARSCoV2.' @NatureMedicine @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan @AmerMedicalAssn
🦠Another reason why governments should not allow unfettered transmission...

'Estimates that >half a billion people globally have been infected with #SARSCoV2 at least once. For the large and growing number of people who encountered a first infection, the question of whether a second infection carries additional risks is important'.nature.com/articles/s4159…

'Reinfection further increases risks of all-cause mortality & adverse health outcomes in acute & post-acute phases of reinfection', so for those already infected once, continued vigilance to reduce risk of reinfection may be important to lessen the overall risk to one’s health'.

Seems reasonable to suggest that it is likely that #SARSCoV2 'will continue to mutate and remain a threat for years if not decades, leading to the emergence of new #variants or #subvariants that might be more immune-evasive...' 1/n
@NatureMedicine @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan

'...and given reinfections are occurring and might continue to occur due to emerging #SARSCoV2 variants at scale in many countries across the globe,...'
@NatureMedicine @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan

'...and given that reinfection contributes nontrivial health risk both in the acute and post-acute phases,...' @NatureMedicine @zalaly @BCBowe @Biostayan

'A strategy leading to more durable vaccines, covering a range of variants, reduce transmission (& reduce risk of infection & reinfection) & reduce both acute & long-term consequences in people who get infected or reinfected is urgently needed'. @NatureMedicine @zalaly et al 4/n

🦠1,483,797 People are currently predicted to have symptomatic COVID in the UK.
@Join_ZOE reports: 1 April, 5am.
@ONS should still be providing its weekly reports, without an 'early warning' system, we are unprepared for what lies ahead. #COVIDisAirborne
📈#LongCovid risks.

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