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Apr 25, 2023, 7 tweets

Today is #WorldMalariaDay.

#Malaria is transmitted through the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes 🦟. Nearly half of the world's population is at risk of malaria.

Here are 4 things you need to know about malaria ⬇️

The most common #malaria symptoms are:

🦟 Fever,
🦟 Chills,
🦟 Weakness,
🦟 Other flu-like symptoms.

Contact a healthcare professional if you are living in a malaria-affected area & experience these symptoms🔗 #WorldMalariaDay

#Malaria is PREVENTABLE. Lower the risk of getting malaria by using

✅ Mosquito nets,
✅ Mosquito repellents,
✅ Antimalarial medicines.

And don't forget to wear protective clothing. More about other preventive measures 👉 #WorldMalariaDay

Early diagnosis & treatment of #malaria 🦟 reduce progression to severe malaria and prevent deaths.👉 #WorldMalariaDay

The world's first #malaria vaccine is saving lives 💪

Almost 1.5 million children at high risk in #Ghana 🇬🇭, #Kenya 🇰🇪 & #Malawi 🇲🇼 have received their first dose. The vaccine is safe and effective 🔗 #WorldMalariaDay #VaccinesWork

In 2021, nearly 45 million children in 15 African countries received seasonal malaria chemoprevention, up from about 22 million in 2019.


To reach zero #malaria, WHO has developed strategies to:

🧩 contain antimalarial drug resistance in Africa,
🧩 provide guidance to city leaders on responding to malaria in urban areas,
🧩 help countries improve their surveillance strategies.

More info:

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