Dana James-Edwards • Diversity Dana (she-her) Profile picture
Black Thrive Winner | Twin mum | Building inclusive company cultures where everyone can thrive | Head of Diversity & Inclusion @KubrickGroup | Former @KingsFund

May 4, 2023, 20 tweets

The next session I’m covering @LearnTechUK was made for me. Not only is it about #learning but it’s about #Agile as well. Whoop whoop! We’ve got Jodie Pritchard from @CitizensAdvice and Richard Kerridge from @HPE. I can’t wait!!!! #LT23UK #T3S5

Jodie’s up first and she starts with a reminder of what the #AgileValues & #AgilePrinciples are (pictured) with a reminder that we can replace “software” with whatever we’re making, that simplicity is a focus on what people want and co-location with working closely #LT23UK #T3S5

By the way, in case you were wondering, here’s what Jodie looks like up on screen and here’s how you can find her on LinkedIn where she’s more active:
linkedin.com/in/jodiepritch… #LT23UK #T3S5

We learn from Jodie that at @CitizensAdvice it’s all about the right people and the right tools. For them the tools are @trello & @mondaydotcom Monday. Why 2? One is more widely used across the org & the other is better for those in the team who are neurodivergent. #LT23UK #T3S5

Up next is Richard. And he starts reminding us of the 2 ways that we can build a product/service - the traditional way and agile citizen development. Now I know what #agile is but I had never heard or agile citizen development. #LT23UK #T3S5

Richard’s fav definition of citizen developer is “an employee who creates application capabilities for consumption by themselves or others, using tools that are not actively forbidden by IT or business units.” (that last bit made me chuckle - IT teams must ♥️ it) #LT23UK #T3S5

Richard then walks us through a very simple fictional project and talks us through defining the minimum viable product. In the exercise is a bit of a trick qn because deciding what that is depends. Do we really have the info in the room right now to decide? #LT23UK #T3S5

And if you’re wondering what Richard looks like up on the @LearnTechUK stage - here you go! I always deliver. #LT23UK #T3S5

Now in a @LearnTechUK first (for me anyway) - qns in the middle of the session! What fun! What to do if you have a demotivated team (ask them to try something for a few months)? What to do if you’re in a bureaucratic environment (ask for forgiveness not permission)? #LT23UK #T3S5

After Q&A Jodie returns to share another eg of a project delivered using #agile at @CitizensAdvice. Aims pictured but even more key is how they did it:
⭐️ Staying close to users
⭐️ Using both a national & local working group
⭐️ Final sign off from product owners
#LT23UK #T3S5

And how do @CitizensAdvice know when something works? They:
⭐️ Look closely at the deliverables. Did it meet the needs?
⭐️ They make sure to hold a retro
⭐️ They get feedback from the learners (or users)
#LT23UK #T3S5

The double act here is amazing. Richard is back now to remind us of the importance of analytics & assessment. Getting analytics is not optional. It’s part of the sequence.
⭐️ Know your data
⭐️ Engage IT early
⭐️ Get ‘wrangling’ (No I didn’t make that word up)
#LT23UK #T3S5

Now Richard and Jodie together want to leave us with some final thoughts. The first is mindblowing for me anyway. Everyone normally says to do ALL of #Agile and follow every principle. They say use the ones that will have the greatest impact on your team and org. #LT23UK #T3S5

And finally Richard and Jodie have some resources for us. And amazing feedback for @NatalDank (who I am a big fan of) and both her book and #AgileHR community. Remember the best way to get involved is to get started #LT23UK #T3S5

Time for more audience qns. Qn 1: What to do when the MVP (minimum viable product) disappoints users. Jodie & Richard suggest a stronger comms strategy & user engagement early & throughout so they know what they are getting & how early to evangelise that. #LT23UK #T3S5

Audience Qn 2: As a Manager how do you let go of control to let the team decide what’s in sprints? Jodie & Richard say this takes time & the team
may not be ready. They suggest letting go slowly to gain confidence & to trust your gut about when is the right time #LT23UK #T3S5

Audience Qn 3: What happens when you have success and traditional IT starts getting jealous/competitive? Richard suggests getting them involved to remove the competition - you can do these more complex bits traditionally and we can do these bits. Work together #LT23UK #T3S5

I also realise I forgot to share Richard’s LinkedIn details. Here they are: linkedin.com/in/richard-ker… alongside a final contact slide for both presenters. #LT23UK #T3S5

And what what @LearnTechUK be without a photo. For the last time on stage together are Jodie Pritchard, Richard Kerridge and the session chair Julie Wedgwood. It’s a wrap! #LT23UK #T3S5

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