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May 7, 2023, 8 tweets


🌲"#Sequestering C in forest ecosystems is important for mitigating #ClimateChange."

✍️"Policy concern: whether forests should be left unharvested to reduce CO2 #emissions & store C, or harvested to take advantage of potential #CarbonStorage & #removal."


So, new study addressed this issue "by examining C rotation ages that consider commercial timber and C values. A discrete-time optimal rotation age model is developed that uses data on C #fluxes stored in living & dead biomass as opposed to C as a function of timber growth."

"Carbon is allocated to several ecosystem and post-harvest product pools that decay over time at different rates. In addition, the timing of #CarbonFluxes is taken into account by weighting future carbon fluxes as less important than current ones."

Using simple formulae for determining optimal 𝐂 𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, this study draws the following conclusions:
1️⃣ "Reducing the price of timber while increasing the price of #carbon will increase rotation age, perhaps to infinity (stand remains unharvested)."

2️⃣ "An increase in the rate used to discount physical carbon generally reduces the rotation age, but not in all cases."

3️⃣ "As a corollary, an increase in the price of #carbon increases or reduces rotation age depending on the weight chosen to discount future #CarbonFluxes."

4️⃣ "Site characteristics and the mix of species on the site affect conclusions 2️⃣ and 3️⃣."

5️⃣ "A large variety of #CarbonOffset credits from forestry activities could be justified, which makes it difficult to accept any."

📜🌲 Read the open-access paper entitled: "Determining optimal forest rotation ages and carbon offset credits: Accounting for post-harvest carbon storehouses," here ⬇️…



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