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May 19, 2023, 16 tweets

- How it works and hidden traps


#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk…

1. In March 2023 Elon Musk announced that Twitter is going to open source the algorithm and its code base to address the concerns of the spread of misinformation and the manipulation of public opinion through in-house censorship.

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github…

2. Twitter mentioned in its blog post that they uploaded the source code in two repositories on GitHub, the code sharing platform.

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk…

3. How Twitter Algorithm works for a user?
User actions that are positive:
1. Likes = 30x
2. Retweets = 20x
3. Images or videos = 2x
4. English UI = 0.5x tweet = 0.2x
5. Follows from seeing tweet = 4x
6. Trending topics or news = 1.1x
7. Verified = 1x
8. Good……

4. How Twitter Algorithm works for a user?User actions that are negative:
1. Reported tweet is reduced by 700x
2. Multiple hashtags
3. Bad follower to the following ratio, e.g. if you follow 10k people and have 10k followers
4. Only posting URLs
5. Only images

1. Adding images to your Tweets gives it a 2X Boost.
2. Both images and videos lead to a nice 2x boost.
3. external links get you marked as spam. Unless you have enough engagement.
4. Being Muted, Blocked, unfollows, spam reports, and abuse reports downgrade your user……

6. Twitter has three primary data points: engagement data such as likes, retweets, and replies, user data such as mutes, unfollows, and spam reports, and the follower graph indicating who follows you.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk…

7. Repercussions of engagement
Words with misspellings are considered as an unknown language with a rating of 0.01. Double-checking your spelling is crucial for reaching a wider audience on Twitter, especially if you're not subscribed to Twitter Blue and can't edit your tweets.……

8. Twitter's algorithm categorizes users into clusters based on the type of content they regularly post.
The algorithm puts you into a grouping of similar profiles. It uses that to extend tweet reach beyond your followers to similar people. If you do “out of network” content,……

9. Twitter has been actively updating and modifying its Algorithm Coding since making it open source 2 months ago. But the most important add-on to the code is one line code snippet for the BLUE TICK OWNERS.

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk…

10. So this is the one-line code snippet for which all of you pay $8 for...!!!!

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk…

11. This Algorithm is ranking users based on a large number of parameters, including your reputation, your Twitter circle and your verified Twitter Blue Account.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick…

12. Now despite all the claims of the previous censorship regime of Twitter done and dusted. Twitter code reveals that There is an "OutOfNetworkReplyPenalty" THAT WEIGHS 10X MORE THAN THE BOOST TWITTER BLUE ASSIGNS.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick…

13. Basically the "OutOfNetworkReplyPenalty" makes you VIRTUALLY INVISIBLE even with your Blue Checkmark. It also keeps Retweets from getting any traction, even if Retweeted by large accounts of 100k+ Followers.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick…

14. In addition to this, there is also Coding for "EarlyBird" and "Blender" Parameters. Blender search can improve or reduce ability of a tweet to be found in search or not found in a search by 3X to 10X.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick…

15. It should be clear by now that Censorship on Twitter is far from being eliminated Elon Musk needs to do a lot to make it actually work in censor free manner.
#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick…

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