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May 27, 2023, 9 tweets

Border fight erupts between Taliban and Iran
According to local media reports in Nimroz, an armed conflict erupted this morning between Taliban forces and Iranian border guards at the Nimroz border.


#Taliban #Iran…

1. Armed clash between Iran & Taliban begins at Nimruz border as tensions escalate over Water dispute and Iranian farmers entering Afghan territory.
The two nations share a 900-kilometer border, and Iran does not recognize the Taliban government.
#Iran #Taliban

2. The border clash of #Iran & #Taliban was still ongoing on in Nimruz Province of #Afghanistan.

3. Yesterday, the Taliban released a video on their social media threatening Iran with military action. Tensions are now at an all-time high between the neighboring countries.
#Iran #Taliban

4. Taliban sent reinforcements to Nimruz border with Iran after intense clashes.
#Taliban #Iran

5. Iranian Army has also deployed a unit of its Special Forces near the border with Afghanistan (along Nimruz) to target Afghan Taliban.
#Iran #Taliban

6. Head of Taliban’s elite Badri unit Abdul Hamid Khurasani :
"If the elders of the Islamic Emirate give permission for the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate will conquer Iran within 24 hours, God willing.
Iran is playing a game of rat and……

7. The Taliban-Iranian border clashes happened immediately after an unannounced meeting between Taliban Defense Minister Muhammad Yaqub and US Central Command officials in Bagram.
#Iran #Taliban

8. Taliban have torpedoed "good neighborly relations" with almost all Afghanistan's neighbors except China. Since taking over power the count of border skirmishes are:
a. Pakistan: 18
b. Uzbekistan: 3.
c. Tajikistan: 7.
d. Iran: 9.
e. Turkmenistan: 2.

This confrontational……

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