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Dutch non-profit helping 🇺🇦. Sent 205🚑 4 🚒 110🚙 3 🚛 1650 🚲 950 kW ⚡️ clean 🌊. Donate via internet. It's really easy nowadays. Come on, just do it.

Jun 6, 2023, 9 tweets

russians have blown up Kakhovska hydroelectric power station.



Evacuation has started
Critical level of water will be in 5-6 hours.

This is an ecological catastrophe for the whole world.

18 million cubic meters of water
@UN it could be the biggest ecoside as Zaporizhya nuclear power plant’s uses the water reserves to cool down the nuclear reactors

#twitter is blocking my tweets on the topic

#NAFOfellas does someone experience the same?

Kherson now

The first satellite photos of the situation

While the team is working on the solutions that we can bring to Ukraine from the #Netherlands we have started the fundraiser for the emergency response on the situation in #Kherson region today.


Follow, share and donate.
Obviously, #Ukraine is fighting… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

We were not prepared for it as anyone else, so analyzing the consequences and possible solution we figured out one thing for now - in order to make sure that people in the area will need a lot of different ways to preserve the #Drinking water for months.
Bringing #water cleaning… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Consequences 1

Consequences 2

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