Riam Dalati Profile picture
BBC Syria Producer | Esteemed Colleague of Mister @sommervilletv | All tweets & views are my own

Jan 20, 2018, 9 tweets

#Syria journo Ayman Al-Halabi captures moment of #Turkey airstrikes vs #SDF #YPG stationed in #Minnigh Airbase, #Aleppo
#Afrin #Efrin

#Turkey-backed #FSA Commander in #Azaz
"So far #Syria troops NOT engaged in #Afrin #TalRifaat #Minnigh. #Turkey jets & artillery so far only parties involved."

Footage shows aftermath of #Turkey airstrikes vs village near #Rajo, NW #Afreen, home to many #Syria refugees. No civilian casualties reported here.

#Kurds activists reporting many civilians in #Efrin #Afrin leaving/preparing to leave to safer nearby villages in canton for fear of #Turkey #AfrinOP airstrikes. #YPG #SDF troops on highest alert for #TSK #FSA troop incursion.

Over past couple of hours, #EuphratesShield #FSA commanders reportedly pouring over fresh #Turkey reconnaissance images of #SDF #YPG positions around #Efrin #Afrin

The Telegram channel of #SDF Jaysh Al-Thuwar based in #Efrin and #TalRifaat suddenly switched allegiance calling #YPG 'terrorists' and saying it 'liberated' a village near #Rajo. (inside job?)
#Afrin #AfrinOp

Footage from #Turkey-backed #FSA, #Hasaka Shield, confirm takeover of #Bali, north most of administrative #Efrin, population less than 150 (according to local source)
Brigade made up of self-exiled #Syria Arabs from #SDF controlled #Hasakah countryside.

#Turkey backed #FSA #EuphratesShield commander:
'We're running into a bit of a difficulty. Progress made on outer #Efrin edges, but not as swift as planned or expected'
No explanations given.
#Afrin #AfrinOp

#Turkey backed #FSA #EuphratesShield take over #YPG #SDF positions near #Barsaya #Azaz, capture one prisoner.
#Efrin #Afrin #AfrinOperasyonu

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