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Jan 10th 2023
🧵on #IDR recently, I talked with the #CBO as a SME to help their modeling, with the limited information they had.

I refused to guess what % of people in the portfolio would go into the "new IDR" as details were lacking. I smart not to as REPAYE will be the vessel of changes.
I think this plan will encourage more people with UG debt to enroll in REPAYE and see what happens - sorta like insurance against economic shocks, as I said to @AnnaHelhoski in the piece she modeled outcomes for last year.
The ≤$12k marker for UG debt to be forgiven at 10 years seems arbitrary - as $17K is the average loan debt for those with an Associates and $14k with a certificate.

This should help stop-outs, though - but $20k just makes more sense without the complexity of +$1k = 1 more year.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ Offshore #PSP (Payment Service Provider) #CheckoutDOTcom (formerly #OpusPayments) - “Checkout”: ‘how Europe’s most valuable start-up lost its crown’ (…). Checkout (like it’s PSP brethren) was ‘formally’ authorised by the … ImageImage
2/ UK’s blind eyed financial regulator (@TheFCA, formerly #FSA) in 12/2012, following implementation of the 2011 #Emoney regulations: Checkout’s website would follow months later. The FCA’s ‘#Emoney scene’ has been long covered by a thick ‘FCA fog’ which scandal … Image
3/ after scandal has sunk in to (#Wirecard, #AlliedWallet, #Payza etc - the subjects of future exposes). Little is known from the press about Checkout (precursor: #OpusPayments) - many press articles read like the same company press release, simply regurgitated.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
NEW - #ISIS announce the death of leader Abu al-Hassan al-Qurashi -- "killed in action," but no details as to when or where.

His replacement is named as Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini.
Lots of rumor swirling re. #ISIS's leader's death.

- Some (linked to #SDF) say he was killed in a joint US-SDF raid in NE #Syria.

- Some (linked to opposition) say he was killed in #Idlib, either (a) Nov 19 during a reported #HTS SSG raid, or (b) Nov 26 in an unreported op.
- And still others (mostly observers) think this is all a ruse & #ISIS leader Abu al-Hassan is still alive.

As always with #Syria, it'll take time for reality to emerge. Time to do some digging.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka - 1/ A corrupt solicitor: ‘Timothy Schools’, who named his firm ‘ATM’ because it was "a cash machine" for litigation awards has been convicted of a notorious #fraud - the £120m #Axiom Legal Financing Fund “Axiom”. Axiom was launched in 2009 as an …
2/ offshore fund (+ its associated ‘fund manager’ - Tangerine Investment Management’ - “#Tangerine”), purportedly providing litigation finance to small UK solicitors firms for low value high volume claims. It was peddled to the UK public & expats widely by a large web of …
3/ @theFCA made men/women & their associated unauthorised cold calling cowboys in the FCA’s SIPPshittery, @TPRgovuk’s pension liberation scams + allegedly ‘wrapped’ (in purportedly ‘insurance bonds’/SIPPs) by the FCA’s ‘Big Fish’ & peddled particularly to older …
Read 18 tweets
Aug 7th 2022
@ArmitageJim @premnsikka 1/ David Ames, patriarch of the Ames clan was convicted of #fraud on Wednesday i.r.o. the infamous £226m ‘#HarlequinProperty’ Caribbean property scam, peddled through @TheFCA’s SIPPshittery & @TPRgovuk’s pension liberation scams (…).
2/ A hotspot of Harlequin Property scam peddling was the #LCF crews manor, with #LCF’s Spencer Golding’s alleged boiler room including a major Harlequin op ( AND ) + was allegedly linked to #LCF crew-mate & ICAEW man …
3/ Michael Peacock ( AND ). A long term associate of Spencer Golding was #LCF/#MJSCapital’s (+ Masonic mover & shaker) John Russell-Murphy “JRM”. When Spencer Golding’s alleged boiler room was reportedly credit-card blacklisted …
Read 31 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
The idea that the CIA's T-50 program with the #FSA "failed" & the DOD's Train, Advise, Assist & Equip program with the #YPG-#SDF "succeeded" -- one key point made here -- is a bit of a simplification.

There can't be a direct comparison, given the operational differences.
The CIA's T50 program was covert & limited strictly to weapons supply & [very] limited intel support/external advice to groups (a) active in a highly complex environment, amid hostile jihadists & (b) against governments, with airforce/s, artillery etc.
The DOD's #YPG-#SDF program was initiated amid a direct U.S military intervention, in which U.S. SOF were deployed on the ground & close air support & later artillery support was provided -- to strengthen the #SDF, incentivize its unity, and protect it from *all* rivals/enemies.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
What happened in #Daraa today was not a surprise -- it's been on the cards for 2+ years.

#Assad won't "reconcile" with opponents he has labeled "germs" since 2011 & #Russia has unsurprisingly proven incapable of facilitating the impossible.

This is why UNSCR 2254 exists.
In 2019-20, the most consistently unstable region of #Syria was #Daraa.

Far from being "reconciled," the "cradle of the revolution" had been brutally suppressed & forced to a surrender - & few/none of its conditions were later met.

That's no solution to a decade-long hostility.
When #Syria's largest "reconciled zone" is the country's most unstable, you have incontrovertible evidence that #Russia's reconciliation strategy is a failure.

#Syria will never stabilize with an unchallenged #Assad at the helm - this ought to be clear by today.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
S. #Syria: this morning this huge convoy reached town of #Daraa. It has 100s of 4th Division soldiers with heavy artillery & many armor incl. Adra tanks equipped for urban warfare. Way to get concessions but any offensive has to been greenlighted by #Russia (not the case so far).
S. #Syria: among the equipment 4th Division brought in #Daraa this morning, there's also the IRAM heavy "Golan" launcher, with 12 x 360 mm caliber's rockets (each one with a warhead of 180 kg). Highly imprecise, use for carpet bombardment. ImageImage
S. #Syria: today 4th Division entered the S. part of #Daraa, breaching deal to set up few checkpoints. It triggered clashes with local insurgents. After sporadic shelling, tensions remain tonight amidst negotiations. Outcome: one killed, several wounded.
Read 79 tweets
Jul 3rd 2021
Zionist terrorist gangs are no different to #ISIS #FSA #NusraFront terrorist gangs in #Syria. Synergy is important to fully understand. Deir Yassin massacre 9/10 April 1948. Pregnant women were raped & murdered, their abdomens torn open, bodies dismembered. Irgun gang led by...
2. Menachem Begin. Purpose was to drive fear into Palestinian hearts & force them fm homes & villages in ethnic cleansing pogrom.

In #Homs Western/Israeli-backed terrorist gangs "moderates" paraded women naked, mocking them. Pregnant women were raped, foetus were torn from
3. their abdomen & armed gangs played football with it. Women were tied between two cars, the cars drove further & further apart until the body was torn in two, while still alive. This is all based on survivor testimony, totally ignored by Corporate media criminals who portray
Read 6 tweets
May 13th 2021
From released videos of Turkish Grey Wolves mafia leader (Sedat Peker),we have learnt that;

⭕️Turkish govt sell cocaine/heroine in Europe & Turkey
⭕️Turkish govt use drug money to finance #FSA groups in Syria& #Afrin
⭕️Turkish govt use drug money to finance TR media = fake news Image
Turkish mafia leader who fled to UAE, Sedat Peker released 4 videos of confession about his relations with Turkish govt, ministers and Erdogan' family

He explains illegal activities of Turkish govt, ministers, Erdogan' family and how they seize properties, laundering money& more
It was reported before that the Turkish government was using "Grey Wolves" criminal groups to seize properties of Kurds in occupied Rojava/Syria region of #Afrin. Turkish mafia leader confirms this relations and use of drug money financing Pro #Turkey jihadi and criminal groups. Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 3rd 2021
This is great by @jeromedrev & @patrickhaenni -- #HTS has come to represent something uniquely challenging.

After violently achieving domination (vs. #FSA, #AQ & #ISIS), it's now pursuing a policy of "gradual opening & mainstreamisation," giving concessions & seeking acceptance.
@jeromedrev @patrickhaenni The U.S, #Europe & #Turkey should press #HTS to address concerns & "define clear benchmarks which (if met) could enable HTS to shed its “terrorist” label," argue @dkhalifa & @NoahBonsey.

Doing so would symbolize a new diplomacy+military approach to CT.…
@jeromedrev @patrickhaenni @dkhalifa @NoahBonsey Following yesterday's public revelation of #HTS hosting @FrontlinePBS (& others) in #Idlib, my thread below details how the former #AlQaeda affiliate has adapted in recent yrs & created new realities & challenges/dilemmas we'll have to deal w. eventually:

Read 4 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Over the years, #bced teachers' objection to the #FSA has often been narrowed to the Fraser Institute's ranking of schools. Although this is a particularly odious use of the results, it should by no means be considered the sole reason to dispense with this standardized exam. 1/
The #FSA is bad pedagogy. The format and content are outdated. Giving a test unrelated to classroom learning in an unfamiliar format is completely contrary to best practice in assessment and evaluation. The exam does not align with #bced new curriculum. 2/
The exam reduces student service. Administering the #FSA takes up valuable teaching time. Time that could be spent serving the student is spent serving the test. Low scores for a school result in no additional support or resources for students. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
The intra-jihadi dynamic in #Idlib is rapidly intensifying, as #HTS is seeking to re-assert itself vis-a-vis (1) the opposition, (2) local civil society, (3) #Turkey & (4) increasingly exasperated #AlQaeda-leaning factions.

In doing so, it's revealing its multiple identities.
In recent weeks, we've seen escalatory events:

1. Khaled al-Aruri's death in a US drone strike

2. Formation of the #AlQaeda-leaning 'Stand Firm' ops room

3. #HTS arrest of:
- Sirajideen Makhtarov (Abu Saloh al-Uzbeki)
- Jamal Hassan Zayniya (Abu Malik al-Talli)
- Tauqir Sharif
Weeks ago, #HTS was attempting to [re-]build bridges with #Idlib civil society & now it's cracking down on divisive #AlQaeda loyalists & defecting critics.

Hard not to see the drivers involved here:

- Protect internal unity & regional primacy
- Undermine #AQ
- Message #Turkey
Read 33 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
I recognize the right of the people of #CHAZ to self determination and independence, I'm thinking of giving them some oil wells in #Alaska to survive; maybe #Russia can help secure those wells, and calling on freedom fighters of the world to move there:

SATO (South Atlantic Treaty Organizations) should immediately deploy in #CHAZ and secure its territories from the regime of #DonaldTrump which in real oppress and kill their own citizens live on camera with support of the #US National Guards militias.
#GeorgeFloyd #ICantBreathe
The people of #California should allow #FUSA (Free US Army) to burn their wheat fields in order to support #CHAZ independence from the regime of #DonaldTrump who lost legitimacy and is hiding in a bunker under the #WhiteHouse:…
#Syria #Turkey #FSA #NATO
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Apr 26th 2020
#Syria #Idlib
Here is the moment when #Turkish forces started shooting at protesters on the M4 highway against joint #Russia|n-TSK patrol missions.
#Syria #Idlib
Açcording to local news agencies, a #Turkish drone has airstriked an #HTS position in Eastern Idlib after militants tried to destroy a TSK vehicle with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Apaprently, #HTS and #Turkey are holding talks in order to de-escalate the situation.
Read 197 tweets
Feb 11th 2020
#Syria: rebel forces have downed a regime helicopter (Mil Mi-17) over the city of #Idlib earlier today.

It's most likely the helicopter was flying at this altitude over the region to conduct a barrel bomb attack
#Syria: rebels at the crash site of the regime helicopter, shot down over #Idlib
#Syria: rebel forces are reported to be back in control of the village of Nayrab, just west of Saraqib (#Idlib)
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Feb 6th 2020
#Syria: rebels claim to have launched an counter-offensive on the village Nayrab, in order to break the siege on Saraqib and relieve the rebels still stuck inside the town
#Syria: the remaining rebels in Saraqib managed to hold out for an extra day, but now the regime has indeed fully taken the town.

Bombs are now falling on #Idlib city, the next main target in range.
#Syria: civilians continue to head towards #SDF territory, aided in the crossing by #FSA rebels and Kurdish police ImageImageImageImage
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Dec 7th 2019
#BREAKING: An #USAF's MQ-9 Reaper drone used its Hellfire R9X to slice a top JIhadist commander in pieces in al-Bassuta, #Afrin, #Syria. First footage of the aftermath of the airstrike which left a commander of #AlQaeda affiliated #HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) & two others dead 👇
This Operation was jointly carried-out by the #CIA & #USAF. The Hellfire R9X managed to turn targets into mince meat without causing any harm to any individual outside the car. It is reported that the dead #HTS commander was cooperating with #Turkey backed #SNA terrorists.
Video shows that the car which was targeted had high speed in the #Azaz-#Afrin road in the northern countryside of #Aleppo outskirt, North of #Syria. Not any other car or individual which was in the road at that time was hit. The missile precisely killed the targets.
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Nov 20th 2019
#Syria #Idlib
Wreckages of the missile used by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes on a refugee camp in Qah.
Still unclear to me the logic of using such weapon since now Russia cannot share its well-known fake news about White Helmets staging the attacks.
#Syria #Idlib
Death toll in Qah refugee camp due to a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike rised to +20. +15 wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics of the wreckages of the missile used by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes to airstrike a refugee camp in Qah.
Read 454 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
51. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 279 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
50. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 547 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
49. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 391 tweets
Oct 26th 2019
48. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 501 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
1. Ongoing thread covering #IS’s response to and comms around recent developments in northern #Syria. Focus will be on camps, prisons and tactics.
2. 9 Oct: Something weird going on in #Raqqa, which was, per #SDF reports last night, subject to a “large-scale assault” by #IS. Meanwhile, total radio silence from #IS.
3. This is strange. When #IS has mounted flash urban assaults in years gone by, it has intensively reported on them, often as the attacks were ongoing. Think #Palmyra, Dec 16; Kirkuk, Oct 16, #Rutbah, May 16, #Kobane, Jun 15.
Read 63 tweets

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