1/10 Not comprehensive. ⬇️⬇️some imp. points. Hx, exam, echo, micro data essential to diagnose & treat apporpriately. Suggested read : 2014 ACC/AHA valve guideline with 2017 Focused update.
cc: @dr_chirumamilla

Treatment : #EndocarditisTeam (Internists, Cardiologists, ID and CTS!!)
-❤️ Team discussions.
-💊💉Prolonged abx course, Surgery✂️✂️ , valve replacement, hardware removal
-Early vs Late ✂️?
-Focused update on Timing for ✂️for IE with stroke
-Central illustration

Lots of resources available @ACCCardioEd @JACCJournals @UpToDate
Thanks to @dr_chirumamilla for this great idea, sending me the tips for Tweetorial (first one!) and coordinating this #FITSurvivalGuide !
Please add comments/points I missed.