➡️ Rationale for use
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➡️ Uses
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@z_alirhayim @Almanfi_Cardio @AntoniousAttall @abashirMD @Babar_Basir

- Cor angio limited by: 2D view of 3D artery, diffuse dx, foreshortening, angulations, Ca++, eccentricity, vessel overlap, contrast streaming
- Angio alone ➡️ undetected edge complications, suboptimal stent exp in 15-20% ➡️ adverse events @cardiojaydoc02
2nd gen DES: ⬇️ MACE, ⬇️ MI
✅ BMS, 1st + 2nd gen, ✅✅ longer lesions.
But, IVUS used in ~20% in USA
Best to use when: ❓underexpansion, long, ❓reference size, Ca, LM, complex anatomy, CTOs.