1. DCP outer Delhi Seju kuruvilla is not responding.
2. As per law, case should be handled by an ACP not SHO.
3. Also with IPC sections, the section 3(2)v of scheduled castes/ST prevention of atrocities Act as amended in 2018 should automatically be added...
4. Victim is SC and it was already conveyed to Police officials orally. Caste certificate from Gram Panchayat Mukhiya has also been obtained and being DMed to you shortly.
5. I met SHO today with victim's family. We told him family is SC and there has been no mention of SC/ST act in FIR. There is no mention of accused either. On this, he replied - 'They didn't inform us'. So nothing can be done now.
6. SHO's response was utterly insensitive. When victim's mother was crying, he was giving excuses since you didn't give accused name on FIR day (which is a lie), we can't help it. He kept saying, we are working. We will inform.
7. Victim's family told that few days ago after putting pressure on police, a guy from same Thana told them- we can send our vehicle 4 raid. But we don't have money 4 petrol. You need to arrange for it. Poor man is being tortured beyond limits.
8. SHO, instead of feeling ashamed of delay that can cost a precious life, was explaining paper work & complexities like what could hv been done earlier, what can't be done now etc. He knew poor illiterate ppl whom he can bully in name of papers can't do much
9. DCP Outer District Seju P Kurvilla is not picking up phone. His number - 9818099050
10. Girl's mother said - "We are the only Hindu family living among Muslims. We live in fear. We will leave this place as soon as our daughter returns."
Can Police explain why there is such fear amongst Hindus of the area? What has been done to make them feel safe?
12. In this manner, our minor girls are being forced to live with rapists forever. Such is the fear. Those who can fire at police (Batla) can terrify a minor girl easily. These rapists have special affinity towards minors.
13. These religious rapist gangs r naturally attracted towards kids. This is what they hv learnt from their history. Many claim they have divine book which had a hero who married 6 yrs old baby calling her as adult. So they see every kid as potential wife.
14. Just now, when victim's mother went to Sultanpuri Thana to submit caste certificate and an application coz police refused SC/ST act in FIR, the man on reception refused to receive documents. He said- we can't take, only IO will take it who is not here.
15 When our Dalit activist called in Thana, latter yelled- "Now will u teach me law? Tell ur name". This Sultanpuri Thana is full of insensitive, incompetent ppl who don't know how 2 talk 2 family whose abducted daughter they have failed 2 rescue after weeks.
We have full audio recording of the insensitive Sultanpuri Thana ppl who refused to receive documents and then threatened. Dear CP, Delhi, we are sending documents 2 u 4 ur records since Thana has refused to receive.
We are waiting for the action on such insensitive people who keep torturing victim's family instead of helping them without realising their own failure in the case after weeks. If this is how Police treats victims and activists, God save this country.
Please listen how Sultanpuri Thana refused to receive caste certificate of Dalit family whose daughter (14) was abducted by Saddam Ansari on 13 Aug 2018. Man on reception asked- who asked u to bring certificate? He then taught us law. dropbox.com/s/judn620tvbum…
1st Sultanpuri Thana ppl refused to invoke SC/ST act on FIR day. Later when asked why, we were told caste certificate was not provided. As if poor family knows all law. Now when family approached w/ certificate, they ask, who asked u to bring! Is this a joke?
Dr @VashiMant, @VaidSatish
& Sri Mayank visited Sultanpuri Thana on 25Aug. Girl was kidnapped on 13th. When v asked if accused Saddam's call details r obtained, SHO told, v'll get call details by evening.These incompetent ppl didnt even care 2 do this 4 12days
Our activist @VaidSatish was threatened by another incompetent fellow at Sultanpuri Thana reception when former inquired about why Thana people refused to receive caste certificate and application by victim's mother.
Dr @VashiMant was told by victim's family that Sultanpuri Thana has refused to send raid parties coz they didn't have 'mooney for petrol'. They told victim's poor father - 'we can only raid if you pay for our petrol'. Is this how Delhi Police conducts raid?
Victim's father cried when he told me story of police asking him for 'petrol money' for raid. We immediately gave him an amount and asked him to throw at corrupt Sultanpuri Thana ppl's face. No champion of corruption has yet contacted us despite ruling Delhi.
When we went 2 meet SHO,he had audacity to call kidnapping as love affair. He almost blamed girl 4 incident & said- these love affairs r common. He didn't stop his monologue until we asked him 2 mind his words as we r discussing 14 yrs old kid not love story.
If 'petrol money' is what Police needs from poor victim family 2 rescue girl, let us know how much money you require. Give us a number and we will raise funds for your 'petrol money'. But don't tell now that you cant find girl. We can give away money not girl.
I have seen ministers respond Pakistanis sanctioning Visa on twitter. Have seen ministers send milk bottle 4 a passenger in train on Twitter. Am yet 2 see a single minister responding to our request of saving a Dalit H girl from rapes. Scared of Saddam Ansari?
Please support maximum in this fight against criminals. 1st 51,000 Rupees collected in campaign will go 2 victim family immediately. Rest will b utilised in similar cases & on team working on it. Will keep updating on collection status. Thank u instamojo.com/@janswabhiman/…
1. UPI- fordharma@icici
A/C Name: Jan Swabhiman Welfare Society,
A/C No: 000701254577,
Bank: ICICI Bank,
Branch: Connaught Place, New Delhi
IFSC Code : ICIC0000007
Rs 25,000 raised till now
Many thanks to Jaganadha, Sharad, Vatsala, Sreekumar, Arpita, Anil, Sandeep, Nidhi and Jyoti. May Eeshvar bless you. Others, please continue giving. Om..
Shri @VashiMant & @VaidSatish Ji met Joint CP, West w/ victim's family. Nice officer. Has assured everything possible 2 rescue girl. Girl has not returned yet. Incompetent Sultanpuri Thana ppl r yet 2b punished. NCSC stands solidly w/ us & working tirelessly frm day 1
Shri @VashiMant with victim's family and @VaidSatish Ji. Special hearing at NCSC about to begin.
A big thanks to National Commission for Schedule Castes (NCSC) for swift & effective proceedings. Delhi's top Police officials in hearing have ensured there will be no further negligence/delay in case now. Next hearing is on 31st. Daily updates ensured.
We have been assured in proceedings that corrupt policeman who took money from poor family 4 'petrol' and those who showed insensitivity in matter will be punished. We will keep track. We thank Joint CP Delhi Western 4 polite & positive gesture b4 & after proceedings.
We approached all relevant ministries. We are still awaiting response on the case. NSCS is fighting for us alone right now. And it is fighting like a lion. Sincere thanks and Pranams to all honest, highly competent and sensitive officials.
Part 1: facebook.com/sanjeevnewar/v…
Part 2: facebook.com/sanjeevnewar/v…
As per minutes released on proceedings, NCSC has
1 Found Police was negligent & insensitive
2 Asked for action against officers who asked petrol costs & delayed action 4 weeks
3 Ordered police & Jt Secy - Home Ministry to appear on 31st Aug w/ updates.
Bijnor is notorious place known 4 child-trafficking, M conversion & Nikah of abducted minors. Police officers who sat on file for 12 days despite clues have helped Saddam Ansari in matter. Sack these moles & investigate. Our daughters r not safe w/ such ppl in police
As per girl's family, the day girl was kidnapped, Saddam Ansari's sisters left their home too. They have still not returned home. This whole family is complicit in girl's kidnap and are planning something big. Police refused to put pressure on this criminal family.
Reality is Saddam Ansari knows that police has not touched his sisters/mother. Why will he come then? What is the cost he is paying after abducting a child? This bloody criminal family must be interrogated by police. But police even refused 2 name kidnapper in FIR.
Mins of proceedings at NCSC where victim's family, @agniveer's @VaidSatish & Dr @VashiMant were present. No police action 4 12days, insensitivity, Thana's refusal 2 receive documents, demand 4 'petrol money' r all documented. Act now, NCSC tells Police. ThankU NCSC.

Police has failed 2 recover girl so far. Thana's incompetent & complicit ppl sat on case for 2 weeks allowing Saddam Ansari 2 take away 13 yr old Dalit Hindu daughter. Sultanpuri Thana ppl r responsible 4 everything child must be undergoing amidst Jihadi wolves
After wasting two precious weeks and thus allowing Saddam Ansari to kidnap and take away a Dalit Hindu girl (13) to some Jihadi ghettoes where even Police fears to enter, Sultanpuri Thana, Delhi people must be tried under SC/ST act & POCSO.
After NCSC hearing, SHO Sultanpuri Thana who didnt hv even call details after 2 weeks of girl's kidnapping angrily said- "I didn't talk much inside. U don't have proper documents". This fellow had no remorse 4 his inaction & was still finding faults in victim's family
Any info, Call - 7065036104 (ACP, Sultanpuri).

@agniveer's founder Shri @followsanjeev has announced an additional Rs 50,000 reward for giving any information regarding Saddam Ansari on behalf of Agniveer. The amount will be given to the same person whom Delhi Police rewards.
Important hearing at NCSC on the girl's case. @agniveer's @VaidSatish is there w/ girl's family. Details soon.
Posters of Saddam Ansari in Bijnor. Local news report.
In our 13 yrs old girl's kidnapping case by Saddam Ansari, NCSC hearing was held yesterday. Advisor to Home Ministry, Special CP Delhi, Joint CP (W), DCP, ACP & SHO Sultanpuri were present. @agniveer's @VaidSatish was present with the victim family.
- Saddam Ansari's Aunt approached court for anticipatory bail. Hon'ble court has rejected it.
- Police has raided 4 states in search
- SC/ST Act and POCSO have been slapped against Saddam Ansari now. Police first refused to do so at FIR's time.
- Insensitive police officers who didn't perform their duty and delayed action in case are facing action.
- Rs 50,000 reward declared on any information on Saddam Ansari
Home Ministry has been asked to
1 Instruct all states police to immediately slap POCSO in FIRs against kidnappers in any kidnapping case of minors.
2 Conduct immediate raids on suspects place
3 Not wait 4 caste certificate to take action, Act immediately.
Most Importantly, Home Ministry is asked by NCSC to involve NIA immediately in all such cases of kidnapping of minors as there have been similar cases in past too that hint at a possible international trafficking-terror nexus operating near Pak/Bangladesh borders.
In light of many past incidents where girls have been sold to foreign countries by these terror rackets, Home Ministry has been asked to investigate deeper. Many cases involve girls being sold to terror groups and involve anti-trafficking team in all such matters.
- NCSC has specifically asked Police to closely watch Madarsas
- Delhi P 2 ensure safety of victim's family
- Process 4 monetary compensation 4 victim's family has been initiated
- Report on SHO & person who asked 4 'petrol money' by tomorrow
- Next hearing on 7th Sep
Minutes of NCSC hearing-2 on case. Home Ministry is directed to deal w/ these matters in view of international trafficking-terror nexus & involve NIA. All parents & girls specially need to be vigilant. You need to be careful of these Saddam Ansaris eyeing at ur minors

Girl has been finally found by Delhi Police. Medical tests going on. Saddam Ansari arrested. Many thanks to gigantic efforts by NCSC. Thanks to Jt CP west Delhi Police & his team. Proud of @agniveer @VaidSatish 4 all efforts. Thanks Swarajya 4 covering. Om
Saddam Ansari did everything to 13 yrs old girl child what ISIS pigs do 2 Kafir girls repeatedly.Pig is going 2 b tried under POCSO & SC ST Act. I strongly believe such pedophile pigs must be castrated by state. And parents must teach their girls 2 stay away from them