I’d recommend adding context to the “poor whites” question.
It goes back to helping folks that tend to live in oppressive states that are anti-union, face high unemployment and suffer from addiction as a result.
Thank you @AndrewYang for naming @purduepharma by name. Important to identify one of the culprits of the opioid epidemic in America.
Yes, we need to decriminalize drug addiction. Treat the root causes: physical, mental, & emotional health issues that need specialized treatments. Portugal is a great example.
@AndrewYang is fielding these questions really well.
...and the legacy of solely putting profits above all else will be shelved as well.
21st Century Economics takes a more realistic perspective at the limitations of resources. The prioritization of people and communities will force us to do the hard Math that leads to better overall decision making regarding our well-being.
@WesPDX86@DROC2447@cenkuygur@BernieSanders If you look back historically, all great movements have been led by people who made it about more than just themselves. @AndrewYang is true servant leader. He has the "chops" meaning he first came to understand the most pressing challenges we face in the 21st Century...
@WesPDX86@DROC2447@cenkuygur@BernieSanders@AndrewYang Andrew understands how to look at the entire system and identifying the leverage points that need to be fundamentally changed in order to fix the system. The #HumanityFirst movement is more about a long-term approach that has given people a GPS if you will on how to behave...
@WesPDX86@DROC2447@cenkuygur@BernieSanders@AndrewYang If you read through his 120+ policies you will see & come to understand someone who addresses both the big & small things that will improve people's lives. The #Freedomdividend is the centerpiece because it will instantly help alleviate stress & anxiety for the majority...
When they finally have more people in their community coming in to get haircuts, car repairs and have things like dental repairs done...they’ll be thrilled for the steady business.
Jacking up prices would push away those very customers...