A federal judge issues his ruling on Jeffrey Epstein’s bail application in court at 11:30 a.m. EDT.
Michael Cohen’s search warrant materials related to a closed campaign-finance probe to be unsealed at 11 a.m.
Covering both live for @CourthouseNews.
Here's my write-up of Judge Pauley's order to unseal campaign-finance info:
So, how can reporters sift through them within 30 minutes before other major breaking news?
Only small portions remain redacted, and those will be lifted.

"Epstein was given the passport at issue by a friend," they claim, insisting he never used it for international travel. cc: @CourthouseNews

As you see, new filings declined in recent years, and one ex-prosecutor told me that the weakening of T-visa program could jeopardize such cases.
ICYMI: courthousenews.com/prosecution-of…

In the first of eight documents alone, there is an entirely blacked out section titled "The Illegal Campaign Contribution Scheme."
It runs from the bottom of page 38 to the top of page 57.
That section was ordered unsealed.
(Giving away my competitive edge here.)
The materials say that Cohen exchanged "a series of calls, text messages, and emails" with Daniels' atty Keith Davidson, David Pecker and Dylan Howard of AMI; Trump and Hope Hicks.

The day after the Access Hollywood video dropped, Cohen received a call from Hope Hicks, the first such call in weeks. Trump joined into it. Hicks and Cohen spoke privately after; immediately after that call, Cohen called Pecker.

7:39 pm: Flurry of calls between Cohen, Pecker and Howard.
7:56 pm: Cohen calls Hicks for two minutes. Pecker calls him right after for two-minute conversation.
8:03 pm: Cohen calls Trump, speaking for nearly eight minutes.

"Keith will do it. Let's reconvene tomorrow."
An apparent reference to Stormy's lawyer.

That fills more than 10 pages of the decision and order, and it is the "heart" of the decision, Berman says.
"I find that the government has established danger to others and to the community by clear and convincing evidence," he says, also finding risk of flight by "preponderance of the evidence."
"I doubt that any bail package can overcome danger to the community."
He also cites "sexually explicit photos" and "expired Austrian passport" with Epstein's photo, not his name, and a Saudi residence.
Schedules a conference for Wednesday, July 31 at 11 a.m.
3:31 a.m.: Cohen texts Howard, "Thank you.
"Eight minutes later": Cohen texts Howard that "Resolution Consultant LLC" is entity he formed week ago.
Developing story for @CourthouseNews, with more updates to come, particularly when the written ruling becomes live. courthousenews.com/mansion-off-li…
10:58 a.m.: Howard texts Cohen and Davidson: "Keith/Michael: connecting you both in regards to that business opportunity. Spoke to the client this AM and they're confirmed to proceed with the opportunity."
Feds: Stormy deal

8:54 a.m.: Cohen texts Pecker, "I need to talk to you."
9:06 a.m.: Pecker texts Cohen, "I called please call me back."
No call records. They chatted on Signal, the encrypted messaging app, per feds.

Howard responds to Cohen:
"We just need her to disappear," referring to McDougal.

"He's pissed," referring to Trump, authorities believed.
Howard: "I'm pissed! You're pissed. Pecker is pissed. Not much we can do."

9:03 p.m.: Hicks calls Cohen, for two-minute conversation.
9:11 p.m.: Cohen calls Howard, 5 minutes.
9:15 p.m.: Hicks calls Cohen, nearly 7 minutes.
9:32 p.m.: Cohen texts Pecker, "The boss just tried calling you. Are you free?"

Next morning, Nov. 5, 2016...
7:35 a.m.: Cohen texts Hicks, "So far I only see 6 stories. Getting little to no traction."
Hicks responds, "Same. Keep praying!! It's working!"
Cohen: Even CNN not talking

Read the files to learn the panic--there's no other word for it--that ensued in the Trump campaign and AMI after the Access Hollywood tapes and WSJ revelations.
A blow-by-blow, minute-by-minute accounting of crisis management.

I'll share update soon, and still waiting for Berman's written ruling.
For now, back to the breakdown of the unsealed materials.
To my Turkish followers: Açım.
Back soon.
The govt's letter makes (since-rejected) request to redact details about third parties to protect their privacy. A footnote redacts targets of campaign-finance/false statements probes. #AlwaysReadTheFootnotes @CourthouseNews
Doc: documentcloud.org/documents/6206…

"Later that morning" is Nov. 5, 2016.
Next sentence: "On or about November 8, 2016, Trump won the election for President of the United States."

Jan. 22, 2018: Common Cause files FEC complaint.
Jan. 23, 2018: Cohen drafts this statement to "an individual who appears to be writing a book on Cohen's behalf," suggesting allegation known since 2011.

Sifting through other redactions for other revelations.